It will automatically summon a prosperous Olga in your mind.
One is better than Demogorgon himself. I don’t know.
Cheng doesn’t need to consider rationality [law of conservation of energy], and there are no eggs.
Ask Olga to be willing
Even if an ant in the multiverse is sunburned by the sun, he can differentiate into a prosperous state and step on the ant in the past.
Time difference on the way
Didi hits people and takes orders!
Plus [time] [] basic ability
Be a guy who has run through all the history of the multiverse.
Even those thing that have already been destroyed.
In Olga’s eyes, they all belong to the targets that can be influenced.
For example, some guy is already dead.
But to the other side is not died in the abyss king level 】 【 or died in Styx 】 kind of thing.
Even if the ashes are gone
Even that basic granule that make up the ashes are gone.
Whenever Olga wants to, he can always go over and beat each other up.
After all, life and death are almost the same for Olga.
He thinks the other person is alive, then the other person is alive. He thinks the other person is dead, then the other person is dead.
Only those two guys who symbolize "life" and "death" can have absolute priority over Olga in terms of "limitation"
Chapter 175 Promotion advantages of old friends
A certain [artificial plane] in a certain [time plane]
Dark green muddy thick slurry with strange green fog is distributed in every area here.
Not only are many grotesque plants growing, but also some equally grotesque things are running around.
But on the whole, the situation is happy.
Without those strange things, it looks quite happy.
While playing with your companions, you will sprinkle your intestinal mucus everywhere, but there is nothing to worry about.
[Artificial plane] The most central area
A fat boy with a huge body covered with pustules is humming a slogan of no meaning and enjoying himself and cooking a thick soup as thick as a pulp lake.
"Nicole Nicole ~"
"a library ~"
This is our old friend, the people’s good brother, who United to do good deeds. Olga and backstab got rid of evil, evil, and fear of abuse, and they moistened themselves quickly [former chief chef of Asia-Naga].
Even though it has been several years.
He still loves cooking so much, and he still stews everything in a big pot
to tell the truth
These professional ethics are true and admirable.
"hmm ~"
From the cauldron in front of him, the skeleton colander scooped a spoonful of rolling soup, and after taking a sip gently, he couldn’t help feeling quite satisfied.
"American juice ~"
Then he shouted to those happy guys who belong to himself
"It’s just time for the children ~"
Those guys who are playing are attracted to run faster than each other like students who have just come out of the cage and are heading for the canteen.
And see this situation, the scale 】 【 is also a surprise.
I walked over and splashed the soup around in the cauldron.
Let the soup spread evenly.
So that that fast guys can have a big meal.
The scene looks a bit like a fish farmer feeding fish.
When he remembered Olga in his mind,
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夜上海,这个充满魅力的城市,承载着无数人的梦想和回忆。而《夜上海》这首经典之作,更是成为了这座城市不可磨灭的印记。今天,让我们踏上《夜上海吉他吟唱之旅》,感受这首歌曲的魅力。 《夜上海》的创作背景,源于上世纪40年代的上海滩。那时的上海,是一个充满传奇色彩的地方,无数艺术家、文化名流在此留下了深刻的足迹。这首歌曲由著名词人范烟桥作词,作曲家陈歌辛谱曲,歌女周璇演唱,一经推出便迅速风靡全国。 吉他,作为这首歌曲的伴奏乐器,更是为它增添了独特的韵味。吉他吟唱《夜上海》,仿佛能将我们带回到那个充满浪漫与激情的年代。吉他弹奏出的旋律,时而舒缓,时而激昂,将这首歌曲的情感表达得淋漓尽致。 在吉他吟唱《夜上海》的过程中,我们可以感受到这首歌曲所蕴含的浓郁情感。歌曲中描绘的夜上海,既是一个繁华的都市,也是一个充满忧愁的地方。华灯初上,歌舞升平,然而在这繁华背后,却隐藏着许多无奈与苦闷。吉他吟唱将这些情感表达得淋漓尽致,让人陶醉其中。 吉他吟唱《夜上海》,还可以让我们感受到这首歌曲的旋律之美。歌曲的旋律优美动听,富有节奏感,吉他弹奏出的音符,如同夜上海的灯火,点亮了我们的心灵。在吉他吟唱的过程中,我们仿佛能听到那晚风轻拂,感受到那江水悠悠。 吉他吟唱《夜上海》,更是一种情感的宣泄。在忙碌的生活中,我们常常感到压力倍增,而吉他吟唱则能让我们暂时忘却烦恼,释放心灵。在吉他声中,我们仿佛回到了那个充满梦想的年纪,重新感受到了生活的美好。 如今,《夜上海》这首歌曲已经走过了70多年的岁月,但它依然充满了生命力。吉他吟唱《夜上海》,不仅是对这首歌曲的传承,更是对那段历史的缅怀。在吉他声中,我们仿佛能听到那个时代的喧嚣,感受到那个时代的热情。 让我们在吉他吟唱《夜上海》的过程中,感受这首歌曲的魅力,品味那个时代的风情。在这个充满魅力的城市,让我们共同追寻那份属于我们的《夜上海》情怀。
Fang Ning will be the devil asked again.
"I’m really sorry about this devil. I’ve also heard that people know who he really is and who he is, so they slaughtered several koo people. Later, a great sage
There seems to be a big eye staring at him in the sky, laughing at him and making all his efforts meaningless. This feeling makes him a little upset and wants to grab something and vent it.
I woke up and stared at Hitler. arcado got up and took a deep breath to restore his peace of mind. "I can join the Nazi party, but the Nazi