Lady white snake asked softly.
Heaven said, "Let me taste the famous wine in your shop."
White snake is good at concocting a kind of heart wine, which can arouse the truest expectations in people’s hearts.
God is still curious about this wine.
Lady white snake should mix the wine the next day.
She mixed the good wine and presented it to the sky.
Pick it up and take a sip.
Heart wine into the throat, I can’t help but close my eyes.
"What do you see?"
Lady white snake sounded in my ears.
The sky closed its eyes and whispered, "I saw Pangu at the beginning of heaven and earth, and the earth was deserted, lifeless and silent."
Lady white snake is full of question marks?
What others see is what they think most from the bottom of their hearts. Why is it that the angle is so sharp when it’s their turn?
And heart wine makes people see that things can’t be separated from this person’s cognition.
Heaven has seen Pangu heaven and earth and the beginning of heaven and earth. Has he seen it since he came?
Lady white snake felt himself trembling.
Chapter 12 She is Nu Wa Goodbye Xiao Ling
"It’s a lonely world. I’m lonely without humans and animals."
"All I can do is sleep soundly."
"Until one day I felt a shock."
"Later generations called it such a shocking sound."
The sky is very light with eyes closed.
"I found that sound and found a beautiful and kind goddess."
"Who is that goddess?" Lady white snake knows that one cause of death is that you know too much.
But living in this world, at this moment, she really can’t resist her impulse to understand.
"She is Nu Wa"
Tian Shunkou answered lady white snake’s question.
"She prayed to God to allow her to make human beings, so that the earth would be full of vitality."
"When I saw Nu Wa, an unprecedented emotion appeared in my heart and I decided to stay with her."
"I saw her heart because of the appearance of all beings on the earth, and I also saw her grief because of the sinking of all beings."
Speaking of which, he doesn’t want to say anything more about keeping his eyes open.
"Who the hell are you?"
Lady white snake put his trembling hands on the counter and asked the question.
"What would you like to drink, sir?"
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Feng Guangyao unguarded by his push aside also loosened JiShu.
Jishu is also surprised. I didn’t expect such an embarrassing picture to be instantly white when Mo Kuangfeng saw her face. "Feng Guangyao please don’t fantasize that I don’t like
首先,不得不提的是位于南京路的绿波廊。这家有着百年历史的茶楼,不仅环境优雅,还保留了传统的茶艺表演。在这里,你可以品尝到各式各样的点心,如小笼包、生煎、糯米鸡等,同时欣赏到茶艺师们精湛的泡茶技艺。夜幕降临,坐在绿波廊的窗边,看着南京路繁华的夜景,品尝着一杯清香的茶,真是人生一大乐事。 其次,位于人民广场附近的豫园茶馆,也是上海夜茶的好去处。这里有着典型的江南园林风格,茶馆内装饰古朴典雅,充满了浓厚的文化氛围。夜幕降临,茶馆里灯光柔和,点上几盏灯笼,别有一番风味。在这里,你可以品尝到正宗的江南茶点,如蟹壳黄、糖粥团等,享受一份宁静的夜晚。 此外,还有位于静安区的静安宾馆茶楼,这里环境静谧,装修风格简约大方。茶楼内设有多个包间,可供不同人数的聚会。夜幕降临,泡上一杯清茶,品尝着精致的点心,与亲朋好友聊天畅谈,不失为一种雅致的休闲方式。 值得一提的是,位于徐汇区的上海植物园内,有一家名为“碧螺春”的茶馆。这里环境幽静,茶馆周围绿树成荫,空气清新。夜晚,坐在碧螺春的茶馆里,品尝着香醇的碧螺春,感受着大自然的宁静,仿佛置身于仙境。 当然,上海的夜茶去处远不止这些。比如,位于浦东新区的上海新天地,这里汇集了多家风格各异的茶馆,既有传统茶楼,也有现代咖啡馆。在这里,你可以一边品茶,一边欣赏到上海浦东的美丽夜景。 总之,上海的夜茶去处众多,无论是老字号茶楼,还是新兴的茶馆,都能让你在夜晚感受到那份悠闲与惬意。不妨在忙碌的生活中,给自己一个放松的机会,来到这些夜茶去处,品尝一杯清茶,享受一段宁静的时光。
Mo Tao thought for a moment and hesitated. "According to my brother’s calculation, it is the generation leader Luo Changfeng."
Tianjiu Blade stepped forward and looked around and saw some clues. Li Qinglian Jianfa Luochangfeng sword means that he has experienced the means and can he hide it from his