Shock, fear, trembling!
These are the faces that have been beaten and twisted!
"Don’t worry, I didn’t have the strength to let you die so soon. How can I be worthy of my friends and women who have been bullied by you?" Xiao Fan corners of the mouth a pick slowly suspended bucket front.
This scene makes Gu Ning and others open their mouths and stare round their eyes.
That makes them all helpless and powerful enough to compete with Dou Rong by root method, and suddenly becomes a waste before Xiao Fan!
This ….. This is too ridiculous?
"Impossible … impossible …" Dou Rong had already had his head completely confused and thought again. His fighting spirit was that everything was completely shattered by Xiao Fan’s fist!
"Nothing is impossible to die!" Xiao Fan raise my hand a little golden light from the fingertips generate instantaneous through the bucket head!
"jump!" A Shura protoss master with ten powers of the ancestral realm was completely killed with such milli resistance!
Before Dou Rong, he used to kill Gu Ning and others like killing ants.
But no one thought that being killed like an ant in the end was fighting for glory!
"God … Xiao Fan is so bad!" The first to recover from the shock and waste the magic prince was surprised to shout such a voice.
Followed by the crowd suddenly boiling.
Everyone embraced and surrounded Xiao Fan.
Xiao Fan was also pleased to see that everyone was very excited and smiled. "I am back!"
"How did you come back!"
"What good things have happened to you, smelly boy?"
"I miss us so much!"
"Xiao Fan …"
"Xiao Fan!"
The shouting was full of surprises, and the whole city echoed.
Xiao Fan returns strongly!
Then all of a sudden in the sky, the golden Buddha’s voice fills the air, and Xiangyun rolls over and a huge golden crack is exposed.
Soon, millions of Buddhist masters emerged one after another, and the first three of them were even heavier than the earth, making people dare not look straight!
"Ha Xiaofan, you ran out alone to be a hero and didn’t leave us some enemy activities!" The bodhisattva like ksitigarbha poked fun lazily.
"The enemy is too weak to need you to start work!" Xiao Fan casually with the wave way
"Everyone is here … long time no see!" Violet looked at all familiar with soft said
"It’s … it’s Peacock King!" Gu Ning and others looked up at first and were frightened by the sudden appearance of so many extremely superior players. Soon after they saw the violet surface, they were shocked again.
"Green … violet …" Ye idiot gawked at the sky that made him dream all the time and didn’t miss his lover’s posture control. He trembled and burst into tears.
The celestial situation will be completely subverted at this moment!
Chapter one: sharing the same experience.
Xiao Fan’s strong return has once again brought hope to the nearly destroyed celestial world.
In particular, the joining of three super masters in the Buddhist world, namely Peacock King Qinglian, Dapeng French King Qiling and Tibetan Bodhisattva, with millions of masters of Tibetan Bodhisattva and the rebel army, bring up the rear has brought the strength of the celestial world to the previous level.
Ten days later, Xiao Fan and others re-established the new palace and all the key members sat here together.
Xiao Fan has just returned to the celestial world. The next day, Shura Divine World has been alert and obtained phase information.
However, the world did not give instructions and seemed to be waiting for Xiao Fan to move
The war-torn celestial battlefield suddenly became calm in an instant.
After a few days of dressing up and catching up with the past, Xiao Fan still built a huge palace in Zhongxing Prefecture with great fanfare, and violet arranged the strongest array of immortals and buddhas around the palace, making it an impregnable battle fortress!
After everything is settled and stabilized, Xiao Fan and Violet are ready to take the most important step to get the Buddha’s inheritance!
In the secret room of character, all kinds of spells filled with violent power are plastered all over the walls.
Here, there are Xiao Fan and Gu Ning sitting cross-legged.
"Are you ready? Adjust all States to the best degree! " Violet look dignified asked
"Well, no problem!" Xiao Fan also nodded his head.
He knows what this means.
If he can successfully obtain the Buddha’s inheritance, his self-cultivation will soar to a new height, and it is his only chance to defeat Jia in order to defeat the world!
"Then let malaria release the Buddha Yuan God …!" Violet took a deep breath and said

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There seems to be a big eye staring at him in the sky, laughing at him and making all his efforts meaningless. This feeling makes him a little upset and wants to grab something and vent it.

07/08/2024 0 Comments 0 tags

I woke up and stared at Hitler. arcado got up and took a deep breath to restore his peace of mind. "I can join the Nazi party, but the Nazi


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夜幕低垂,华灯初上,上海的平安夜再次迎来了年度盛事。这座繁华都市在这样一个特殊的日子里,将夜生活推向了高潮,上演了一幕幕热闹非凡的街头表演和璀璨夺目的灯光秀。 随着夜幕的降临,南京路步行街、外滩、陆家嘴金融中心等地成为了人们聚集的热点。街头巷尾,处处弥漫着浓郁的圣诞气息。五彩斑斓的霓虹灯、璀璨的圣诞树、满载着祝福的气球,将整个城市装点得如同童话世界。 南京路步行街的圣诞树高达数十米,顶端装饰着一颗巨大的星星,寓意着平安和希望。树下,各种形式的圣诞表演轮番上演,有欢快的舞蹈、动听的歌声,还有富有创意的魔术表演。市民们纷纷驻足观看,脸上洋溢着喜悦的笑容。 外滩的平安夜同样热闹非凡。五彩斑斓的灯光在黄浦江两岸闪烁,勾勒出一幅美丽的画卷。人们或漫步江畔,或驻足拍照,记录下这美好的时刻。此外,一场盛大的灯光秀在外滩展开,为市民和游客带来了一场视觉盛宴。 陆家嘴金融中心的平安夜活动同样精彩。各大商场、餐厅纷纷推出优惠活动,吸引了众多消费者前来购物、用餐。在商场内,圣诞装饰、主题表演和互动游戏让消费者在购物的同时,感受到了浓厚的节日氛围。 平安夜的上海,不仅夜生活热闹非凡,美食也成为了人们关注的焦点。各大餐厅、小吃店纷纷推出特色圣诞美食,如圣诞蛋糕、火鸡、烤鸭等。人们品尝着美食,畅谈着欢乐,度过了一个温馨的平安夜。 在这个特殊的日子里,上海的平安夜还展现出了爱心与关怀。各大公益组织纷纷开展慈善活动,为需要帮助的人们送去温暖。街头巷尾,志愿者们忙碌的身影成为了这个夜晚最动人的风景。 总之,平安夜,上海夜生活盛大启幕。这座城市的繁华与活力在这一天得到了充分的展现。人们在这个美好的夜晚,尽情享受着生活的乐趣,传递着爱与希望。相信在未来的日子里,上海将继续以它独特的魅力,迎接更多美好的时刻。

"Up … almost forty thousand?" Zheng Jing still doesn’t understand.

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"What about others except us?" "Others … psst! Lying in the trough? Original, so it is! " Zheng Jing once again compared with a cold sweat. "He didn’t get a