Li big boss Confucianism lips eyes staring at the phoenix.
Phoenix saw his master’s little head cocked and his corns blinked for a long time before sticking out his mouth and picking it up and throwing it on his back.
The meat ball landed firmly on the Phoenix, which was fairly spacious, and the wings of the Phoenix spread around and flew away with strong anger.
"My day" Li Chengzhu is not not not doing it now.
Don’t run away like this, and when you leave, you kidnapped your right-hand man, so you will lose a lot.
The impact of the pink light curtain on the fire phoenix was slightly rippled and then turned calm again, but the fire phoenix stopped.
Li Chengzhu doesn’t close properly with his mouth wide open. What’s going on? Why did it stop when it came out of this light curtain? Turned to look out just away from the screen Luo Badao also so valiant to resist the monty blood magic knife a lift Bigfoot root fell to the ground.
"The boundary between different dimensions?" Wan Yueyin trembled a little, and her face was red with excitement.
"What … what enchantment?" Li Chengzhu turned his head and looked at Wan Yue. The beautiful granduncle also hung a puzzled expression.
"The boundary of different dimensions!" Wan Yue’s little face is full of yearning and longing. "A lost enchantment can’t even enchant a magical fairy. When a fairy emperor can display it, he must be super-order fairy beast media. Super-order fairy beast eggs are arranged. Eye mana depicts the array of super-order fairy beasts after cleavage at birth! It is almost stopped when the law becomes an enchantment. It is also an enchantment that cultivates immortals dream to cultivate immortals. "
"Wait a minute …" Li Chengzhu’s head was a little confused, but he understood a little bit of meaning. This little meaning alone made him excited and restrained himself. "What are you saying that we are in this enchantment now?"
"The boundary of different dimensions!" Wan Yue corrected it.
"Does this boundary stop?" Li Chengzhu hit his teeth.
"Almost stop!" Wan Yue smiled. "Maybe it’s only a moment after we stay here for a year, maybe it’s only a blink of an eye after we stay here for a hundred years. It depends on the person who exerts the enchantment to repair and pay the price."
"my god!" Li Chengzhu’s blood went straight to the top of his head, and even his penis was slightly tilted because of congestion.
"This is too exaggerated? If there is such an enchantment, why have you never heard of it being used? With this enchantment, everyone becomes immortal in the blink of an eye. "Beauty granduncle’s face is pink and her mouth twitches excitedly."
It’s normal that you haven’t heard of it. Wan Yue’s years of cultivating immortals are much longer than two people don’t know. At this moment, I just showed off my knowledge. I just said that this kind of law is at a price. It’s not for you and me to imagine that we can rob and pay attention to cultivating immortals if we go against the sky.
"What price?" Li Chengzhu asked.
"It takes less than three thousand years to build an enchantment that can last for one year. I mean, the enchantment here is not the lowest layer when it is in another dimension. It can be said that the cost of building this enchantment is even greater." Wan Yue looked up at the reddish screen and said.
"Oh, my God ….." Li Chengzhu swallowed for three thousand years. Who is full and has nothing to do to help others? The immortal emperor is not a bodhisattva, and it is impossible to make this enchantment with nothing.
"Three thousand years …" Beauty granduncle looked thoughtfully at his disciples.
"I don’t know who put this enchantment on the phoenix egg, but I think it must be to help you." Wan Yueyin suddenly became soft and whispered, and Li Chengzhu’s goose bumps fell all over the floor
"Master …" Wan Yue bit his lip and turned red.
Beauty granduncle looked at Wan Yue Li Chengzhu in amazement and felt a chill coming from the bottom of my heart.
"Do …?"
"I am your demon slave, right?" Wan Yue tried to be cute. She opened her eyes and looked at Li Chengzhu, where a watery layer could be printed with a reflection.
"Yes" Boss Li feels that there is an abnormal smell in the air. He already knows what Wan Yue is going to say.
"Then I can help you if I get better, right?" Wan Yue’s kind and simple personality is hard to say these words, and her facial muscles have been slightly cramped.
"You are already very powerful, sister." Li Chengzhu squinted at himself as a disobedient demon slave.
"But … I can become worse." Wan Yuejiang squeezed a smile and looked at that annoying face.
"I can practice here for a hundred years, and it’s just a moment outside." Wan Yue is now Jin Xian, and all kinds of adventures have not helped the immortals much. You must rely on time to accumulate and understand to improve your realm. If you want to talk a little more, you should have such an enchantment before her in one thousand. If she can’t be tempted?
"What’s in it for me?" Li Chengzhu smiled badly. He finally knew what the sentence that Seventh Martial Uncle gave himself meant. This enchantment is the best gift that God gave himself, just like Wan Yue said. It’s only a blink of an eye to practice here for a hundred years.

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21/10/2024 0 Comments 0 tags

在繁华的上海,每一座建筑都似乎在诉说着这个国际大都市的时尚与活力。而在这其中,上海新街口休闲中心以其独特的魅力,成为了都市生活的新时尚聚集地。这座集休闲娱乐、商务办公、文化交流于一体的综合性场所,不仅为市民提供了一个全新的休闲体验,更成为了上海城市文化生活的一道亮丽风景线。 一、环境优雅,时尚现代 上海新街口休闲中心地处市中心,交通便利,周边配套设施完善。中心的设计理念源于对现代都市生活的深刻理解,建筑风格时尚现代,与周围环境相得益彰。室内环境宽敞明亮,装修考究,营造出一种舒适、高雅的氛围。无论是漫步在中心广场,还是在休闲区品味咖啡,都能让人感受到这里的优雅与时尚。 二、设施齐全,满足多元化需求 上海新街口休闲中心设施齐全,能满足不同人群的多元化需求。中心内设有健身房、游泳池、电影院、KTV、桌球厅、乒乓球馆等休闲娱乐设施,为市民提供了一个放松身心、愉悦心情的场所。此外,中心还设有商务中心、会议室、展览馆等,为商务人士提供便捷的服务。 1. 健身房:中心内的健身房配备了先进的健身器材,专业教练全程指导,让市民在享受运动的同时,还能得到专业的健身建议。 2. 游泳池:中心内的游泳池四季恒温,水质清澈,为市民提供了一个游泳健身的好去处。 3. 电影院:中心内的电影院设有多个影厅,上映各类热门影片,为市民提供观影便利。 4. KTV:中心内的KTV设有多个包厢,音响设备一流,是亲朋好友聚会的好去处。 5. 商务中心:中心内的商务中心提供各类商务服务,如打印、复印、传真等,满足商务人士的需求。 6. 会议室:中心内的会议室设施齐全,可容纳不同规模的会议,为商务人士提供便捷的会议场所。 三、服务质量高,宾至如归 上海新街口休闲中心注重服务质量,始终以顾客体验为中心。从接待到用餐,从娱乐活动到安全保障,中心始终以专业、周到的服务赢得顾客的信赖。在这里,每一位顾客都能感受到宾至如归的待遇。 四、文化活动丰富,提升生活品质 上海新街口休闲中心定期举办各类文化活动,如音乐会、展览、讲座等,为市民提供丰富的精神食粮。这些活动不仅丰富了市民的文化生活,还提升了整个社区的生活品质。 总之,上海新街口休闲中心作为都市生活的新时尚聚集地,以其优雅的环境、齐全的设施、优质的服务和丰富的文化活动,成为了市民休闲娱乐、商务办公、文化交流的首选之地。在这里,市民可以尽情享受都市生活的美好,感受这座城市的独特魅力。

Chapter 193 Grab the head

11/07/2024 0 Comments 0 tags

The scenery near the lifting platform turned into a blur in the sun’s eyes, and the young man appeared behind the giant mouse with a shimmering light. Red moon combat


10/11/2024 0 Comments 0 tags

一、私密空间,彰显尊贵 男子专享的按摩中心,为男性消费者提供了一个私密、舒适的放松空间。在这里,男士们可以放下心中的负担,尽情享受按摩带来的愉悦。中心通常位于高端商务区或别墅区,环境优雅,装修风格简约大气,让您在享受服务的同时,感受到尊贵与品味。 二、专业技师,精湛技艺 男子专享的按摩中心拥有一支专业的技师团队,他们经过严格筛选和培训,具备丰富的按摩经验和精湛的技艺。在按摩过程中,技师会根据您的需求,运用专业的手法,为您缓解肌肉疲劳、舒缓压力,让您的身心得到充分放松。 三、丰富项目,满足不同需求 男子专享的按摩中心提供多种项目,满足不同男士的需求。以下是一些热门项目: 1. 精油按摩:采用天然植物精油,通过按摩手法,促进血液循环,缓解肌肉酸痛,提高睡眠质量。 2. 拉筋正骨:针对男士常见的肩颈、腰部、腿部等问题,进行专业拉伸和调整,改善身体姿态。 3. 足浴:采用独特的足浴配方,配合专业手法,缓解疲劳,促进新陈代谢。 4. 香薰疗法:通过香薰精油,调节情绪,缓解压力,让您在愉悦的氛围中放松身心。 5. 面部护理:针对男士面部肌肤特点,提供专业的面部清洁、保湿、抗衰老等护理项目。 四、尊享服务,品质保证 男子专享的按摩中心注重服务品质,从预约、接待到按摩过程中,都体现了贴心的服务。以下是一些尊享服务: 1. 专属客服:为您提供一对一的预约、咨询、售后服务,确保您的需求得到满足。 2. 豪华套房:配备独立淋浴房、卫生间、洗脸池、泡澡木浴盆等设施,让您享受尊贵体验。 3. 独家优惠:定期推出会员优惠、节日特惠等活动,让您的消费更加实惠。 总之,男子专享的按摩中心为男士们提供了一个理想的放松场所。在这里,您可以尽情享受专业、贴心的服务,缓解压力,重拾活力。快来体验吧,让您的身心得到全面的放松与呵护!