The sound of machine gun fire rang again
This means that the cannibal has attacked!
Screaming and screaming mixed into a ball, the whole base is in chaos.
"Not ready yet?" Gu Qingshan asked
"If you don’t move soon, I’ll lock my visual nerve first. You build a corresponding simulated data model, and then I’ll do what you do."
"What do you do with this set of technology?" Gu Qingshan asked
"You and I are too idle outside? Every day-I have been bravely climbing the peak of science and technology in order to learn and progress! " Liao hang stared way
an instant
The charming woman giggled again. "The recharge is over. It seems that today’s war is coming!"
Gu Qingshan "…"
Liao Hang "…"
Gu Qingshan said, "I bet this is not a serious hair."
"I never gamble with people. I advocate science." Liao Daodao
As soon as the door was hit.
A man-eating ghost appeared in front of two people.
Liao Xing said in a hurry, "Start the trusteeship mode immediately and complete all body movements according to Gu Qingshan’s humanoid data model."
"Yes," said the charming woman.
Man-eating ghosts pounced on Liao Hang.
Gu Qingshan figure slightly side arm suddenly the ghosting mercilessly chop the fragile neck of the cannibal.
-it’s a pity that his body is illusory and has not dealt a blow to cannibals.
But Liao Hangke
Liao Hang captured Gu Qingshan moving the whole person out of the same escape attack-
With a crunchy sound, his arm severely chopped off the ghost neck and broke it directly.
Man-eating ghosts sway to the ground.
Gu Qingshan took one look and commented, "You are slightly delayed, but this is not a problem. Then I will kill the first floor of the strength control gas refining with you."
"Good" Liao Daodao
Gu Qingshan leaped over the cannibal and walked out of the room.
Liao Hang showed him the same move and followed him out of the room.
Chapter seventy-five Something is wrong Liao Hang
The cannon rang continuously and the earth trembled with it.
Thick black flames rose in the city.
It was a house hit by shells, some of which were completely destroyed, while others ignited a fire.
Liao Hang street center with a cigarette in his mouth quietly listening to the recent sounds.
"We have to find a way out of the city," Gu Qingshan said.
Liao Hang threw up a smoke turn and said, "Of course I’m going out of town-but I want to see someone if I’m on my way."
"The lady who is the front desk manager where we live, she also sold me a map, remember?"
"Come to think of it, it’s not far back to the hotel. We can take a look."
Gu Qingshan said as he stepped forward and flew away.
Liao Xing quickly lost his cigarette and shouted, "Lock and follow!"
He runs physically.
If anyone can see Gu Qingshan, he will see a strange scene in the street at the moment-
Two men strode down the street in the same posture in tandem.
After a few minutes.
They arrive at that hotel where they stayed.

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Then Xu Ying’s yellow-level bodyguard directly exhibited against the bomb, which turned out to be regardless.

29/05/2024 0 Comments 0 tags

Seeing that one’s own situation is not a small advantage, Yuan Ye smiled and Yunji gave it to you. I am here to restore my strength. Say that finish Yuan


30/11/2024 0 Comments 0 tags

“苏韵夜生活”以苏州河为载体,将江南水乡的韵味与现代都市的时尚相结合,为市民和游客呈现一场别开生面的夜游盛宴。沿着苏州河畔,灯火璀璨,两岸的建筑、桥梁、雕塑等景观在夜色中更显韵味。 漫步在苏州河畔,两岸的景观带犹如一条丝带,将历史与现代、传统与时尚串联在一起。在这里,游客可以感受到苏州河的温柔与恬静,也可以领略到上海的现代气息。 夜游苏州河,首站便是上海老街。这里保留了上海的历史风貌,古色古香的建筑、石板路、青砖墙,仿佛让人穿越时空,回到了百年前的上海滩。夜晚的老街,灯火通明,游客们在这里品尝美食、购买手工艺品,感受着上海的传统韵味。 继续沿河前行,便来到了苏州河上的百年老桥——苏州河大桥。夜晚的大桥,灯火辉煌,犹如一座金色的彩虹横跨两岸。游客们可以在这里拍照留念,记录下美好的回忆。 夜游苏州河,自然少不了品尝当地的美食。沿岸的餐馆、小吃店,种类繁多,让人眼花缭乱。苏州河边的烤鸭店、烧烤摊、火锅店等,香气四溢,让人垂涎欲滴。品尝完美食,不妨来到酒吧、咖啡馆,享受一段悠闲的时光。 苏州河畔的音乐喷泉,是夜晚的苏州河上一道亮丽的风景线。每当夜幕降临,喷泉便会随着音乐翩翩起舞,美轮美奂。游客们可以在这里欣赏到精彩的表演,感受音乐与水的和谐。 此外,苏州河畔的文创园区、艺术展览等,也为夜生活增添了浓厚的文化氛围。在这里,游客可以欣赏到各类艺术作品,感受上海的艺术魅力。 “苏韵夜生活”不仅展示了上海的现代气息,更传承了江南水乡的韵味。夜晚的苏州河,如诗如画,让人流连忘返。在这里,游客可以尽情享受夜生活的乐趣,感受这座城市的独特魅力。而“苏韵夜生活”也将继续传承下去,成为上海夜生活的一张亮丽名片。


11/11/2024 0 Comments 0 tags

首先,上海拥有丰富的茶文化。从历史悠久的龙井茶、碧螺春到上海大白毫,每一款茶叶都承载着丰富的故事和独特的风味。在上海,你可以找到各式各样的茶馆,品味不同的茶香。走进一间小茶馆,点上几杯好茶,与朋友谈天说地,让生活慢下来,享受这份宁静与惬意。 其次,上海人喝茶的方式多种多样。有的人喜欢独自小饮,慢慢品鉴,感受茶香四溢的美好;有的人则喜欢与朋友相聚,一壶好茶,谈天说地,欢声笑语。在上海,你可以找到许多风格各异的茶馆,从古朴典雅的豫园湖心亭茶室到现代时尚的网红茶馆,总有一款适合你。 豫园湖心亭茶室是上海最具代表性的茶馆之一。这座见证了上海开埠百年历史的茶室,位于素有“东南名园之冠”美誉的江南古典园林——豫园。在这里,你可以欣赏到江南丝竹优美的乐曲,感受海派文化的韵味。而半岛酒店英式下午茶则让人领略到浦江情怀和优雅时光。 此外,上海还有许多其他值得一去的品茗之地。比如大可堂,这是一家以普洱茶闻名的茶馆,坐落在襄阳南路一座气势非凡的独栋大洋房。在这里,你可以品尝到正宗的普洱茶,感受老上海的风韵。 品茗,对于上海人来说,更是一种修行。从唐朝开始,文人墨客便将茶融入生活。他们将茶境延展到天地之间、四时之内,与花鸟、日月相伴。在茶香中,他们倾一杯风雅,任心驰神游,一场茶事便是一场修行。 如今,上海茶文化依然盛行。在这个充满魔幻色彩的城市,喝茶的方式变了,但喝茶的感觉却没变。无论是悠闲的上海爷俩在林荫树下泡茶,还是网红茶馆里摩肩接踵的茶客,都在享受这份来自茶香的美好。 总之,在上海品茗,是一种享受,是一种传承,更是一种生活态度。在这里,你可以找到属于自己的那份宁静与惬意,感受茶文化的魅力。不妨约上三五好友,来上海感受一场茶香四溢的品茗之旅吧!