In the blink of an eye, this’ snake-ridden’ scene disappears as if it were a fantasy.
But Fang you knows that this is not
Ms. Wan Snake’s spiritual strength may not be strong, but it is there. What he just saw is about Ms. Wan Snake’s’ position’, which is also the intention of the other party to manifest.
I have to say that myth has a lot more means of coercion.
Even if the other tutor can kill a myth with one punch, its means are far from good. Alas, the myth is too strong.
"Ha ha ha …"
Ms. Wan Snake’s expression evoked a slight smile in her heart.
It seems that this mentor is not a myth. Even if he has the power to kill myth, he is still a common man, and he still faces the great difficulty of promoting myth-it is not that he can reverse the myth and will certainly be promoted to myth.
From the mystical point of view, the more reverse attacks, the more terrible the awakening disaster when you are promoted.
She chuckled and looked down at the firewood tutor. Suddenly, she tilted her head slightly and dropped her eyes behind the white robe tutor with a very inconspicuous figure.
Black robe, silver armor, blonde hair
It’s common for soldiers to dress up like guards, but …
She has charm!
Mrs. Wansnake noticed a wisp of charm from the blonde, which is a myth!
This is a myth!
So …
She moved back to her eyes and became a mentor again.
Is this man who looks ordinary but doesn’t seem special except for his handsome appearance also a myth?
This man is hiding so deep!
"Dear guests, we have a guest visiting temporarily, and our tutor is meeting with us. Please wait a moment."
The emperor frowned when he heard the words of the blue star waiter.
"What distinguished guest?"
"I’m sorry we don’t know about this, dear."
Many people in the falling star city team look unhappy.
The big emperor was also annoyed that he didn’t show it. The evaluation of Bluestar in his heart has slipped sharply.
This blue star is too polite to respect them for falling into the star city!
Not to mention that they made an appointment before, that is, they didn’t make an appointment. Don’t blue star leaders have to come out to meet them in person? And meet the distinguished guests. What distinguished guests can compare with them?
"The blue star still seems to be floating."
"After all, they have overcome several arrival myths, which may be stronger than our falling star city."
"People in the indigenous world also have this vision, huh?" That’s far from true myth. Fighting power is fighting power after all. "
A big noble in the team showed sarcasm.
Contrary to the myth, it is an incredible miracle in the eyes of the oasis people, but it seems that it is not impossible for them to slay the myth of arrival.
The emperor himself knows several means roughly.
These means need to prepare rituals and materials in the early stage, and many emissaries have to pay a great price. It is not clear what kind of big emperor the blue star emissary is, and it may not be that he knows one.
However, no matter what kind of means, it is impossible to pay less for the myth of the secular body.
Cost and benefit are conservative.
How many times can you use blue star, these two or three methods to reverse the myth? Twice? Once? Or is it not once?
The big emperor shook his head slightly and pressed his heart to wait quietly.
Soon there will be a "click".
Heading out was a man in a white robe. He smiled gently, and there seemed to be a glow in his eyes. At first glance, he felt that he was extraordinary.
It must be the’ firewood mentor’
Follow out is a flat girl with a look at first glance but her mouth still slightly raised.
This girl is the blue star guest?
Horrible! Powerful!
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Looking at Han Shu and Ji Yu’s heavy faces, it seems that something happened. Tianyang was curious and sat next to Kunlan and lowered his voice and asked, "What’s the matter?"
Quinlan yawned and shrugged his shoulders and said he didn’t know. Look at the bird again and the girl shakes her head. Finally, Han Trunk coughed and drew attention to
Then Xu Ying’s yellow-level bodyguard directly exhibited against the bomb, which turned out to be regardless.
Seeing that one’s own situation is not a small advantage, Yuan Ye smiled and Yunji gave it to you. I am here to restore my strength. Say that finish Yuan
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