"Well, I’ll let people ask." Middle-aged sofa nodded.
"I can’t make up my mind now." Jia Yan turned his face and looked at middle-aged and asked, "Do you think this woman is playing tricks with me?"
"Did you say something about Feng Li?" Middle-aged asked
"Yes," Jia Yan nodded. "Do you think it is possible for her to detect something and deliberately talk to say so? Want to test? "
Middle-aged thinking for a long time, "It’s not impossible because you have been to that compound. It’s normal for her to have this idea, but this woman is originally responsible for picking things up and contacting her. There should be no shortage of people. I think she is suspicious at most."
Jia Yan licked his lips. "These people in Chuanfu are really fucking rich. Open your mouth and give three million. I fucking itch."
"What do you mean?"
"I think this line can still blow up gold," Jia Yan said brightly. "Hey, what can I do if I counter-test her?"
"How to test?" Middle-aged also very interested in asked.
"Do this!" Jia Yan immediately sat on the sofa and communicated with his companions.
five minutes later
Jia Yan dialed nguyen mobile phone ourtenant asked; "Brother, are you busy?"
"There is no home!"
"There’s something that confuses me," Jia Yan asked softly, narrowing her eyes. "You introduced me to that manager Yu who suddenly called just now and asked me to check Feng Li. Are you clear about this?"
"I know," Ruan casually replied, "something happened in Zangyuan. I always want to find this person and help her if it’s convenient for you."
"May I ask what it is?" Jia Yan paused and answered
"There was a gun in the compound, and General Yu’s younger brother was injured …!" Ruan light explained to each other.
After Jia Yan listened, "Did a ghost get caught?"
"Well, I’m in charge of logistics, and I want to slip away and get blocked." Ruan nodded and replied, "The people who came here have a line accent on the south, and they may be afraid of problems in the three major areas, so they want to protect the news in a hurry."
"Ah, that’s what happened." Jia Yan nodded.
"Brother, you don’t have a fucking friendship with Feng Li, do you?" Ruan suddenly asked 1
"Fuck you, where are you talking?" Jia Yan pie mouth answered, "It’s not good for Li Feng to compete with me before, and he hasn’t appeared along the Mekong River for a year or two. What friendship can I have with him? Besides, what are we? May I help to ask around? "
"That’s good," Nguyen woke up in a low voice. "Although I don’t belong to the same department as General Manager Yu, I don’t know her very well at ordinary times, but the HQ attaches great importance to her. You will get the job done well."
"Fuck, I want to thank you for talking about this." Jia Yan immediately smiled. "I remember this feeling of three million in one word."
"Little things, let’s brothers support each other. What good things are there to help each other?" Ruan replied with a smile. "You have a unique advantage over the Mekong River. Three million is stomach food. There are still many things to come to your place after you get together."
"All right, I’ll try my best to help the general investigation."
"Well, just go back to your private company. You don’t even say hello to me about what you want to do." Ruan immediately nodded and answered, "Because there are rules in Sichuan government, outsiders can’t ask around and know too much."
"Okay, I’ll get it."
"Well, that’s it!"
Say that finish two people ended the call.

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11/11/2024 0 Comments 0 tags

在繁忙的都市生活中,人们渴望逃离喧嚣,寻找一片宁静的天地。长江,这条蜿蜒千里的母亲河,以其壮丽的景色和悠久的文化,成为了无数游客向往的目的地。而长江黄金游轮,以其豪华的设施和独特的夜航体验,成为了游客们畅游长江的首选。今夜,让我们一同踏上长江黄金游轮,感受那璀璨夜航的独特魅力。 夜幕降临,华灯初上。长江黄金游轮缓缓驶离码头,游客们纷纷来到甲板,欣赏这令人陶醉的夜色。游轮的灯光与岸边的霓虹交相辉映,构成了一幅美丽的画卷。此刻,长江仿佛一条璀璨的丝带,蜿蜒在夜色中,将两岸的美丽景色尽收眼底。 游轮的甲板上,乐队正在激情演奏着欢快的音乐,游客们随着音乐的节奏,跳起了欢快的舞蹈。夜航体验,不仅仅是欣赏美景,更是心灵的放松与愉悦。在轻松愉快的氛围中,游客们品尝着游轮精心准备的夜宵,享受着美食与美景的完美结合。 长江黄金游轮的客房设计独具匠心,宽敞舒适的客房让游客们在夜航过程中得到充分的休息。客房内,现代化的设施一应俱全,液晶电视、高速网络、中央空调等,为游客们提供了一个温馨舒适的休憩之地。 夜航过程中,游轮将途经多个风景名胜区,如三峡、九华山、庐山等。游客们可以凭栏远眺,欣赏两岸的美景。当游轮驶过三峡大坝时,巨大的坝体在夜色中显得更加雄伟壮观。游客们纷纷拿出手机,记录下这难忘的瞬间。 在游轮的公共区域,游客们可以尽情享受各种娱乐设施。宽敞的观景酒吧,让游客们在品尝美酒的同时,欣赏长江两岸的夜色;豪华的健身房,让游客们在夜航过程中保持身心健康;精致的咖啡馆,则为游客们提供了一个休闲的场所。 值得一提的是,长江黄金游轮的餐饮服务也是一绝。游轮上的厨师们精心准备了各种美食,从川菜、粤菜到西餐,应有尽有。游客们可以在这里品尝到正宗的长江沿岸特色美食,感受当地的风土人情。 夜航过程中,游轮还会举办各种主题活动,如文化讲座、文艺表演等。这些活动不仅丰富了游客们的夜航体验,还让他们更加深入地了解了长江的文化底蕴。 当夜航接近尾声时,长江黄金游轮缓缓驶回码头。游客们带着满满的收获,依依不舍地离开了这艘梦幻般的游轮。在这短短的几日里,他们领略了长江的壮丽景色,感受到了夜航的独特魅力。 长江黄金游轮璀璨夜航体验,不仅是一次视觉盛宴,更是一次心灵的洗礼。在这里,游客们可以放下生活的重担,尽情享受大自然的馈赠。让我们携手长江黄金游轮,共同谱写一段难忘的夜航传奇。

"Nonsense he deathless words force how to handover don’t want to have a behind the scenes? What’s the big deal? I have to go all the way to Zhengqi City to ask him for instructions. Who will be willing to do this? " Fang Ning patiently explained.

21/06/2024 0 Comments 0 tags

"It’s so complicated. I can’t play with this honesty." "Yes, you can brush the blame and practice. It’s these curved things that you give to me." Fang Ning suddenly had

The golden light cuts the shadows and splits all the terror and despair.

16/07/2024 0 Comments 0 tags

I don’t know how long it took when Fang You was immersed in chopping and chopping as if his willpower had made another breakthrough … Hua- Like a fish jumping