At midnight the next day, the lights in this residential area suddenly went out and stopped.
Ignaz Scripps is the head of the spy who besieged the Chinese scientist. When he saw it, he suddenly stopped and smiled because he had long expected that we would come to see him. He quickly picked up the table night vision goggles and put on his eyes. Then he picked up the assault rifle and hurried to the window on the second floor of the house to look at the door of Hu Xingde (a Chinese scientist)
It was less than three seconds from when the light suddenly went out to when he walked to the window wearing night vision goggles.
But in three seconds, I had already rushed into Hu Xingde’s house.
Stop the camera at the door and the monitor in front of the screen will become blind.
When Hu Xingde went out during the day, he received a note saying that someone was going to rescue him tonight. When I broke into his room, he didn’t shout or be afraid.
"Are you here to pick me up?" He asked me a little
"hmm!" I responded a little, because now there is no listening device in the room, and even if the other party’s listening device is not available, it will not work. We can rest assured that we can talk.
"The first switchman has been caught." Two minutes later, Ignaz’s words rang. He pressed the answer key to get a hand tone.
"Do a good job, don’t rush to send it to me in five minutes, but let’s see what tricks China people want to play?" Ignaz had a sly smile on his face. He had already arranged someone at the gate.
At this time, there were sixteen pairs of eyes staring at Hu Xingde’s room in the four houses around.
But stopping seems to have no effect on Hu Xingde. There is nothing strange in his room and there is no figure at the gate.
Ignaz squinted slightly and wondered what tricks we wanted to play.
Chapter 16 The fate of dust has passed.
This middle-class residential area has never stopped before, and it stopped at midnight today, which made the residents in the community curse, but no one went out and just came out of the house to curse.
Five minutes later, the lights brought people to the bright world again.
At this time, Ignaz frowned at the window. He was a little puzzled. "What do we do after we pull the brake?"
He was confident that it would never take him more than three seconds to stop near the window, and there was nothing unusual about Hu Zhide’s room 20 meters before stopping.
If someone can enter Hu Zhide’s house for three seconds without making a sound from 20 meters away and kill Ignaz, he won’t believe it.
"What tricks do China people want to play?" Ignaz frowned and thought in his heart. After more than ten seconds, he said to the floor agent, "You two go and have a look in the Hu room."
"It’s the head!"
Two American agents knocked on the door and walked towards Hu Zhide’s house.
Ding dong … Ding dong …
The doorbell rang outside the door.
I put my finger in my mouth to make a ban, and then my body gently hid behind the gate, and then I waved Hu Zhide to come to the door.
"Who? Coming! " Hu Zhide calmed down and walked to the front door shouting his emotions.
The door was hit.
"Who are you? What can I do for you? " Hu Zhide asked two American agents outside the door
However, the two American agents apparently did not abide by American law and broke in with guns. One of them controlled Hu Zhide and the other was going to search the house.
But as soon as they entered the room, I jumped out from behind the door and grabbed their necks with both hands.
Click! Click!
Two broken bones sounded in my ears, and at the same time, the two American agents turned their eyes and their heads drooped and died.
I gently dragged the bodies of both of them into the sanitation.

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