There are many half-dead creatures in every dead well, and every dead well is connected with each other, but the half-dead creatures have some warning ranges.
That is to say, when the two ancestors spent a little money, they didn’t give up the half-dead creatures in the yellow well, so that their team would not have a problem even if they fell into the well from the surface.
The biggest problem with this method is that it takes a long time and the battle damage is still inevitable. Although it will not be as much as 30%, it is necessary to have about 20%.
After all, it’s not easy to destroy the dead if the biological strength is not weak.
Of course, in addition to these two ways, the two ancestors can also choose the third way, that is, from the well.
The four access wells in the nether world are spacious, and the army can go in and kill directly from the bottom.
However, after the Red Moon Cave was opened, no friar would thankfully pass through the netherworld well.
There are some powerful and half-dead creatures living in the underground well that will not be lured out and hidden deep in their nests. If you don’t run around in the underground well, he won’t come out and attack you.
But if you disturb him, it will be a terrible monster.
Considering that the soul ancestors have been in waves for a long time, and the difference in battle damage is not particularly large, the stiff ancestors suggested, "Forget it, let’s go through the ground and let the monks be careful not to fall into it and become a big army. That’s it. Let’s make it 30% and lose it."
Thirty percent is also called affordable!
What’s the concept of actual 30%? That’s nine big bones and seas!
This kind of troops really put into the battlefield, and even this amount can be piled up into a huge mountain.
But it’s like this in the red moon cave. Sometimes you have to make such a choice even if you don’t want to.
Gu Zu nodded. "Well, that’s it then. Let’s get ready to start."
Na Wei opened the skull mouth at this time and asked curiously, "Where’s Xiao Hao? Why did you go? "
Jiang Zu glanced back. "He went to command his own troops. He can’t help here. Go back and command the troops well, and the loss may be even smaller."
Na Wei shook her skull and said, "Little Hao Brothers’ arms are ghosts, unlike zombies and skeletons, which can fly. His loss should not be too great."
The particularity of the hidden well in the dead is that it often devours passing soldiers, especially some passages that fall into the well while walking, which is also the reason why the ancestors can avoid losses
Stiff ancestors shook their heads and said, "That’s not necessarily because there is a ghost well with strong adsorption capacity and weak strength, and the ghost will be absorbed. To be honest, Xiaohao’s troops are just a little bit, and it is possible to be attracted by a ghost well and be wiped out."
Na Wei was shocked. "That must be told him to be careful."
Jiang Zu said, "No, I told him that he should know how to do it himself. If he wants to go back now, he will increase his team’s defense and lose less."
Sun Hao did return to the team, but his motivation and purpose were different from those expected by Jiang Zu and Gu Zu.
Sun Hao was pulled back by a few guys who were eager to try with stars in the team, with the aim of actively preparing for war and going to a big fight.
What for?
Clear the dead well!
These guys have tasted the sweetness of Tieqiling, and now they have met a special place, and suddenly their passion is high and they are ready to do a big job.
Ok, Sun Hao has been a little quiet. The ancestors in front are careful not to disturb the dead well. I want to settle down and settle down. These monks around me want to use the dead well as a cornucopia rhythm.
Shake your head with a wry smile, but Sun Hao also acquiesced that everyone ran to the back and began to prepare for the battle.
The well in the underworld is also a place where few monks can reach, just like Tieqiling, and no monk will ever completely conquer it.
The better the theory is, the more good things there will be in the area. Tieqiling has made Sun Hao a lot of money, and I don’t know if there are any special products in the well.
Chapter two three four three Roll meatballs again
Bone ancestors and stiff ancestors in front began to organize large troops to March to the underground well. The two bodhi ancestors each chose a direction, and their thoughts and will commanded the troops to advance rapidly.
This advance is the fastest way to cross this dangerous area. The faster the speed, the better the effect.
After sensing his father’s will, Mikhail rarely came to Sun Hao’s side to explore the grave with Sun Hao. He said to Sun Hao, "Go easy behind you, xianggong, and help my father first. Then don’t kill too fast. I want to fight …"
After that, Miha flew over to Jiangzu.
Sun Hao saw Mikhail’s body rising from a distance with a golden light. This little girl should be watching the zombies jogging too fast to bless his father’s troops.
The most powerful part of phoenix-wing gilt boring is acceleration.
Miha’s sudden return made the stiff face slightly surprised. After Miha took out his colorful gilt boring, the stiff face could not help but shine at the moment. The magic weapon level of the baby daughter was not low, which gave the stiff face a very strong feeling.
The bronze mask stirred up a few stiff ancestors and said, "Miha, why are you back?" Not tired of your "xianggong" side? " "
Miha’s hand was gilded with phoenix wings, and a huge gilded ball of light began to shine.
Miha smiled at his father and said, "Dad, I have come to help you with one arm. Our stiff ancestors are just too slow. I just got a chance and got a way to bless the stiff ancestors. Come out, chicken wings …"
In the crisp drink, Miha shook his hand and the gold-plated boring ball crashed and cracked. A huge gold-plated wing froze the elite troops’ heads, and they all felt like they were flying at the moment.

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