Jishu is also surprised. I didn’t expect such an embarrassing picture to be instantly white when Mo Kuangfeng saw her face.
"Feng Guangyao please don’t fantasize that I don’t like you because of money. That’s my excuse for breaking off an engagement! I see that you are cruel and greedy, and no amount of money can save you, that’s all! "
Jishu quick sleeve wiped the canthus thin tears convergence mind.
Her tone is firm and her attitude is awe-inspiring
Mo Kuang-feng inexplicably crashed into such a xiuluo field, but she understood the real reason why Ji Shu broke off her marriage. She couldn’t help feeling suddenly enlightened.
From January, I accidentally realized that he always felt that Ji Shu was full of contradictions, as if she had been acting, and she had a "shell" on her back and could not see through her mind.
Now he’s white. In Jijia Village, she’s just goading Feng Guangyao to take the initiative to break off her marriage.
Feng Guangyao forehead veins stood out exposed "JiShu you wait! One day I want you to beg me on your knees! The surname is Mo, you are waiting for you! "
JiShu sneer around pulling MoKuangFeng ran towards the side of the road Feng Guangyao didn’t chase.
When they ran to a place where there were few people, Ding Jishu really felt embarrassed to bow their heads and organize the language.
"I’m really sorry to involve you in this matter. Don’t mind what Feng Guangyao said."
Mo Kuang-feng said, "I don’t think this comrade Feng is a little crazy. It’s better to pay attention to safety after Comrade Ji Shu."
Both of them were embarrassed for a moment.
Jishu suddenly remembered that he had taken his handkerchief in Jijiacun and put it in the dormitory drawer for so many days.
But before Jishu continued to hesitate, Juck Zhang saw two people.
"Yo, are you having a disco lesson?"
He winked. "Are the two dance kings going to compete at the top?"
Juck Zhang jokingly rescued two people.
Ji Shu said quickly, "Brother Juck Zhang, you are really good at disco dancing today. You are really the" four talents "."
Juck Zhang is beaming.
"It’s not that both Dali and Xiaogang in our institute have become party stars, and they don’t want to leave now!"
The three men chatted for a few more words and then parted.
In the dormitory, Jishu simply finished talking about things, and Luo Qianqian and Qian Guijun all burst into sighs.
Ji Shu calmed down and felt carefree. Facing Feng Guangyao’s war face to face was even more refreshing than confronting Sun Fengxiang head-on at that time.
Many things are terrible to think about, but it is a relief to face them.
Thinking of her lying in a warm bed and shrinking into the bed.
After the disco ball, the second factory entered the busy production season before the Spring Festival.
When you are busy, you don’t feel that time has passed. Ji Shu feels that it is just a moment from New Year’s Day to Spring Festival.
On this day, Lin Cuilan knocked on the door of Jishu dormitory and handed Jishu a horse and other materials.
"I promise to make a coat for your mother. There are still ten days before the Chinese New Year holiday. When will you go back?"
Ji Shu realized that the showdown was coming in 2008, and the plan to pick up mom and little sister in the city was about to start.
In fact, she decided to stay in Takeshi for the Chinese New Year this year, so she briefly talked about her ideas with her master.
"I’m divorced this year, and grandma will have to scold me with her relatives. I’ll go back to these luxury? Besides, I bought a shared delivery room. I guess my grandmother already knows about it. If I go back this time, I guess she will have to do something. I just won’t go back. No matter how much trouble she makes, it won’t be in front of me. "
Lin Cuilan sighed, "But you can’t see your relatives during the New Year!"
"Master, don’t worry. I have planned to pick up my mother and sister to play in Wushi as soon as the third day is over, and I can also show them the new house!"
Lin Cuilan couldn’t help smiling when she arrived at the new house.
After New Year’s Day, everyone paid the money and got the house purchase contract, waiting for the house to be delivered.
Feng Guangyao unguarded by his push aside also loosened JiShu.
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抵达酒店的那一刻,我仿佛被这座城市的喧嚣所包围。疲惫的我迅速投入了工作,直到一天晚上,我独自回到酒店房间,才意识到需要给自己放个假。此时,我注意到房门上贴着一张小纸条,上面写着:“尊敬的先生,欢迎来到上海。如果您需要休息和放松,请拨打我们的按摩服务热线。我们将为您提供高质量的上门按摩服务。”好奇心驱使我拨打了电话,预定了一次上门按摩。 不久,门铃响起,一位美女技师出现在了我面前。她背着包,露出修长的美腿,让我不禁为之一惊艳。技师带我进入卧室,开始为我进行按摩。她手法娴熟,轻柔地放松着我僵硬的肌肉。在按摩的过程中,她柔和的气息和舒适的声音让我感到温暖和放松。 技师不仅按摩技艺高超,更懂得如何营造一个放松的氛围。她不时用手指轻轻地碰触我的皮肤,让我产生一些微妙的感觉。在音乐的陪伴下,我们轻松交谈,共同沉浸在按摩的愉悦之中。她的温柔和体贴,让我仿佛置身于一个温暖的港湾。 随着按摩的结束,我结束了这段美妙的时光。这段朦胧的体验,让我对上门按摩有了全新的认识。它不仅是一种身体上的放松,更是一种心灵的慰藉。 金轮上海按摩,这家位于繁华都市中的按摩中心,以其独特的魅力吸引了我。在这里,我感受到了专业的服务、舒适的环境和温馨的氛围。技师们精湛的技艺和热情的服务,让我在忙碌的工作之余,找到了一份宁静与放松。 金轮上海按摩,不仅仅是一次简单的身体按摩,更是一次心灵的疗愈之旅。在这里,我感受到了上海这座城市的独特韵味,也体验到了生活的美好。这次按摩之旅,让我对这座城市有了更深的了解,也为我的出差生活增添了一份难忘的回忆。 总的来说,金轮上海按摩是一次令人难忘的体验。在这里,我不仅得到了身体上的放松,更收获了心灵上的慰藉。我相信,在未来的日子里,金轮上海按摩会成为我生活中的一道亮丽风景线。
They need to issue an official guide price for most of the raw materials to facilitate the exchange at the treasure exchange meeting, otherwise the efficiency is too low, and they all feel that their things can’t be sold for a long time. This is too common in the early days, and a piece of wood is broken in some places and they have to bargain for a long time.
Chapter one hundred and ninety See a magic weapon "Pa" a real dragon wagged its tail and hit Qi Mei hard. A white jade bracelet on each other’s wrist immediately
夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海这座国际大都市披上了璀璨的霓裳。在这里,夜生活变得尤为精彩,而与心爱的人一同漫步在这繁华的都市之中,更是别有一番风味。今天,就让我们一起来领略《夜上海风情二人行》的独特魅力。 漫步在黄浦江畔,华美的夜景映入眼帘。两岸的高楼大厦灯光闪烁,宛如一座璀璨的宝石。在这如梦似幻的景色中,两人手牵手,漫步在滨江大道上,感受着上海的韵味。此时,江风吹拂,微风拂面,让人心旷神怡。 夜游黄浦江,乘坐游船游览两岸风光。船上的乐队演奏着优美的旋律,为这浪漫的夜晚增添了几分浪漫气息。沿着江岸,万国建筑博览群、城隍庙等景点依次映入眼帘,仿佛穿越时空,回到了那个充满传奇色彩的时代。 夜幕下的南京路步行街,人流如织,热闹非凡。两人漫步在这条繁华的商业街上,品尝着各种美食,感受着上海的繁华。从南京路步行街到人民广场,再到外滩,这一路走来,仿佛走过了上海的历史长河。 夜晚的上海博物馆,也是一道亮丽的风景线。在这里,两人可以一起欣赏到丰富的文物藏品,感受上海深厚的历史底蕴。逛累了,不妨走进附近的咖啡馆,品味一杯香浓的咖啡,享受一段悠闲的时光。 走进豫园,仿佛穿越到了古代。古老的建筑、石板路、小桥流水,让人仿佛置身于一个幽静的园林之中。在这里,两人可以一起欣赏到传统的上海园林艺术,感受上海的韵味。 夜幕下的上海,还有许多独具特色的文化活动。如茶艺表演、昆曲欣赏、评弹表演等。两人可以一起观看这些传统文化表演,感受上海的文化魅力。 夜上海风情二人行,不仅是一次视觉盛宴,更是一次心灵的洗礼。在这浪漫的夜晚,两人可以放下生活的压力,尽情享受这份美好的时光。相信这段美好的回忆,将成为两人心中永恒的珍贵财富。 总之,夜上海风情二人行,是一次难忘的浪漫之旅。在这里,两人可以共同领略上海的繁华与魅力,感受这座城市的独特韵味。让我们携手共度这个美好的夜晚,让爱情在夜上海中绽放光彩。