In a second, the wind suddenly blew.
From the platform side, the Eagle Jumping Helicopter Array slowly lifted the storm in the aircraft seat.
Engineers in the base are staring at the mecha every data to ensure smooth delivery.
Broken dome base, as the name suggests, has opened a huge opening at the top of the mecha delivery channel at this time.
Raleigh also came to the scene during the recovery training.
Storm latosolic red everyone witnessed slowly rising out.
Two bases in Vladivostok and Sydney
The other two mecha are also preparing.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please board the horse. Storm Chihung will take priority through the wormhole. It’s our Cherno Alpha."
"Our goal is the monster that is heading for Los Angeles at a high speed-the basic parameters of the furious monster have been sent …"
It indicates that two mecha pilots in the alarm bell wear their own exercises and quickly enter the cockpit for standby.
Day jump eagle helicopter also shout up ready to increase the lift to lift the mecha.
Both teams are in a ready state.
the other side
The other side of the ocean
Los Angeles is a mess at this time.
"The monster is currently kilometers away from our city. Please prepare all citizens to take refuge …"
The city alarm sounded and the sky was stung by the sharp sound. Birds wanted to fly away in droves.
If it is to them, it will be very smooth.
But it’s different now.
Because there are private jets everywhere in Los Angeles …
"bird! Birds! Birds! Lots of birds! We are going to hit a bird! "
A small private passenger plane that just got up from the airport collided head-on with the birds, and the engines on both sides blinked and inhaled dozens of big birds.
Excessive inhalation will break the engine instantly, and the bird’s anti-collision limit will flash by.
Then, like a prairie fire, it dragged out two long smoke tails against the fierce burning in the air.
"prepare for impact!"
The pilot shouted that the host in the cabin was wearing a suit and a full face of panic, and the red wine slammed into the window as the plane got out of control.
In less than half a minute, the private jet that had just taken off fell on the spot and hit the backyard of a villa, and then exploded violently.
There are still many private helicopters who witnessed everything, but they can also sympathize with this encounter and speed up their departure.
These people are all lucky people in this city.
It wouldn’t be so coincidence to recognize monsters and come straight to Los Angeles.
It turns out that they lost the bet, and the lucky ones in his city won the bet.
So they have to run away now.
And land
The degree of crowding is much more exaggerated than in the middle.
All roads are blocked, leaving cars, and some people give up all riding bicycles or motorcycles to leave.
But there are also some unlucky people who can’t mix any cars with their thumbs up on the side of the road, hoping that good people can give them a ride by themselves.
The city alarm is that the helicopter wheezes in the sky, the horn doesn’t stop on the ground, and people leave their homes and sob.
Everyone thinks the city is finished.
The mother holds the baby and the father helps each other with his family and the elderly …
Many people gasped from the escape gap and looked back, hoping to remember the last appearance of the city.
Laopan officially reached the instruction.
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After the magic disaster, Xiaowan lost her alliance, but when she was about to succeed, Xiaowan appeared a little bit, which made Qingyun fall short.
And Xiao Wanxiu jumped directly from then to become the real demon of Yuan Ying. Lao Jia finally said, "We didn’t expect Xiao Wan to demonize the lack of coping
You can rest assured that I, Li Yueling, promised that things would never go back on our word. Worse, you gave me many benefits. It is also due to the rare requirements that Li Yueling’s physical interests do not conflict. He is also happy to be a good person and sincerely said.
Chapter two hundred and five Yuanyang Broken Jade Seeing that the red eyes are gradually hidden in the tripod cover, Li Yueling immediately turned into a different animal phase like
一、美食探店 1. 南翔馒头店:位于上海嘉定区,这家百年老字号以制作南翔小笼包闻名,是品尝地道上海小笼包的好去处。 2. 龙之梦万丽酒店中餐厅:位于上海静安区,这里提供精致的粤菜和海鲜,是商务宴请和情侣约会的好地方。 3. 长寿面馆:位于上海徐汇区,这家面馆以手工拉面闻名,味道鲜美,是品尝上海特色面食的首选。 二、购物休闲 1. 南京路步行街:作为上海最繁华的商业街,这里汇聚了各大品牌旗舰店,是购物休闲的首选之地。 2. 外滩源:位于上海黄浦区,这里集合了众多特色小店、餐厅和酒吧,是体验上海夜生活的绝佳地点。 3. 滨江大道:位于上海浦东新区,这里可以欣赏到外滩夜景,同时还有众多特色酒吧和餐厅。 三、演出娱乐 1. 上海大剧院:位于上海黄浦区,这里上演各类国内外知名歌剧、芭蕾舞剧和音乐会,是欣赏高雅艺术的好去处。 2. 上海国际舞蹈中心:位于上海徐汇区,这里定期举办各类舞蹈演出,是舞蹈爱好者的天堂。 3. 上海音乐厅:位于上海黄浦区,这里上演各类国内外知名交响乐、室内乐和合唱音乐会,是音乐爱好者的聚集地。 四、夜游景点 1. 外滩夜景:漫步在外滩,欣赏黄浦江两岸的繁华景象,感受上海夜晚的独特魅力。 2. 陆家嘴夜景:登上上海中心大厦、东方明珠塔等高楼,俯瞰陆家嘴夜景,领略城市之美。 3. 苏州河:乘坐游船游览苏州河,欣赏两岸的灯光秀和建筑风貌,感受上海夜晚的浪漫氛围。 总之,上海周边夜间娱乐活动丰富多彩,无论你是美食爱好者、购物达人,还是文艺青年,都能在这里找到属于自己的快乐。快来感受这座城市的夜晚魅力吧!