And Xiao Wanxiu jumped directly from then to become the real demon of Yuan Ying.
Lao Jia finally said, "We didn’t expect Xiao Wan to demonize the lack of coping means, and Xiao Wan, that is, Lan Yi, has secretly developed a huge intelligence network in recent years. We don’t know how to prevent idle lang, and no matter how he designs it, it is difficult to work. Qingyun Gate can defend but not make progress."
Xiaowan entered the magic disaster area and was demonized and turned to the inferno camp to contain Wu Xianlang.
Sun Hao felt mixed feelings in his heart.
It’s really hard to predict current events. If there is a small Wan Mo Xiu camp, the idle lang will naturally not be able to display it.
As far as Sun Hao knows, Xiaowan’s intelligence network has not only covered the southern continent, but also extended to other continents. It is very good that the management is complex and secret, and it is not a loss.
What makes Sun Hao strange is that
Lao Jia said that Xiao Wan had switched to the magic repair camp.
However, Sun Hao still has a small wan intelligence organization calling token in his hand.
The token still glows without any failure, but the token still shows that there is more than one senior contact in Qingyun Fairy Mountain.
That is to say, Xiaowan’s intelligence network is still unrestrained to Sun.
And if Xiaowan doesn’t change the settings, Sun Hao’s token is the top king’s order in this intelligence network, which is even higher than Xiaowan’s queen’s order
After listening to Lao Jia’s words
Sun Hao really wants to see if the Heavenly King Order is still valid, and whether there is still a small detective in Qingyun Gate.
Sun Hao is strange. Isn’t Xiaowan afraid that she will directly unplug her and put her in the Qingyun Gate with a heavenly king’s order?
Or is it that Xiaowan hasn’t come to modify the settings yet?
But that’s not like it!
Sun Hao said slightly thoughtfully, "I’ll find Xiao Wan to find out about this matter. You must strictly control a very small range when discussing things, and don’t tell the monks before each action …"
Chi chi and Wu idle lang qi qi leaned down and said "white"
Sun Hao once again asked, "Idle Lang Lao Jia, please think carefully about whether there has been a large-scale adjustment of the deployment of troops in the last two years and whether they have any special defense key parts or key areas where large-scale battles have broken out."
According to the usual practice of the underworld, the four pillars should be the focus of their attack. Sun Hao really wants to find some clues of the Antarctic Tianzhu from these intelligence ~ ~
Chapter DiYiSanSiLiu Kings have Wuhan blue exceptional
Lao Jia and Wu Xianlang heard the memories.
A moment later, Wu Xianlang said, "In recent years, the overall situation of magic cultivation has changed from strong to shrinking, but there is no such thing as the biggest battle that the master said is very obvious. It is nothing more than the occurrence of Qingyun Mountain and Qitian Shacheng, but I have not seen any special anomalies."
After thinking for a long time with his head tilted, Lao Jia said slowly, "On the surface, the magic repair did not have any abnormal behavior, but since the public asked this question, there should be doubts about the magic repair in these two aspects. I have carefully analyzed the intelligence in recent years and found something."
On strategy, there is no doubt that Wu Xianlang is superior, but on intelligence analysis, Lao Jia is a good hand.
Put your finger to Lao Jia and said with a smile, "First of all, I found that the magic cultivation gradually surrounded Qitian Shacheng after several years, which means that it is very likely that Qitian Shacheng is the key point of their attack …"
Sun Hao shook hands and the intelligence nodded slightly to Lao Jia.
"This second change is not really," Lao Jia continued. "You see that the configuration of the clan gate belonging to one family is much higher than his direction. Is this the key defense area?"
Wu idle lang leng leng sincerely said, "Lao Jia is really I neglected to return to an array. Now that I think about it, it is really so. In recent years, the magic disaster in the southern continent seems to have converged a lot, but their real strength has unconsciously moved to these two points.
Corleone nodded and said, "Well, I don’t know. You and Zhizhi step up planning. Let’s focus on these two areas first. Let’s show our actions quickly."
Wu Xianlang said, "It is a face-to-face battle against a case."
Sun Hao nodded. "Well, when fighting, we will wait for no one. See your plan. We don’t need to be biased by the sword. We just need to oppress it from the front."
Wu Xianlang’s spirit vibrated, and he felt that Sun Hao’s war plan made him stand up straight and said "Yes, Master".
Let Wu Idle Lang consult with Zhi Chi Qing Yunfeng, and Sun Hao’s heart will move slightly, and the colorful Yunfeng will appear.
A delicate white jade token appeared in the hands of a wrist vibration.
Xiao wan gave it to herself, but she never made the heavenly king’s order. I didn’t expect it to be the first time to verify whether it was still valid.
The heavenly king’s order was refined by Xiao Wan after a lot of painstaking efforts to find Zhu Dezheng.
Sun Hao, who has a more magical effect, injected the real Yuan Tianwang order and suddenly showed a row of bright spots.
Seeing these bright spots, Sun Hao couldn’t help heart.
Xiaowan has been in business for many years and was born in Qingyun Gate. Qingyun shows that there are many spies according to the order of the heavenly king.
What plans does Wu Xianlang have? It may be really hard to hide it from Xiao Wan. It’s strange that Xiao Wan is not restrained.
Sun Hao can’t help but wonder at these highlights. If Xiao Wan is really right after demonization, will he continue to control the heavenly king’s order?
If Xiaowan doesn’t follow the right path and repeatedly destroys the idle lang plan.
Sun Hao is a little confused.
After thinking about it, Sun Hao inspired the Heavenly King to make the brightest star quietly in situ to see if this star represents Skynet agents and who they are.
About a cup of tea, Sun Hao’s mind moved, and Master Zi Yan floated in the sight, ashamed and annoyed, and gave Sun Hao a white look. Yun Zi Yan said softly, "I knew you’d come to me when you came back, little villain. Why didn’t you go to my abode of fairies and immortals and call me here?"
Sun Hao … Heart said, how do I know that you are the top spy of Sky!
With a bright smile on his face, Sun Hao stretched out his arms and held Yunziyan in. "It’s a good night today. I haven’t seen the stars with Ziyan for a long time …"
With faint thoughts and warmth, I slightly provoked a purple smoke. Master didn’t send the cloud purple smoke back to the abode of fairies and immortals until the sky brightened and the stars disappeared to Sun Hao.
Wanted to think Corleone’s body flashed, and the hammer peak appeared again, which prompted the heavenly king to make it.
Well, the first secret agent was Master Zi Yan, and Sun Hao suddenly felt as if he could not clean it up, and there was no need to clean it up, because Master Zi Yan was a real one of our own, and he would never harm himself, and he could trust our own people 100%.
A lamp of tea kung fu In the past, a short, chubby hammer peak in Sun Hao’s knowledge flew and muttered, "This morning, I actually called out to me for a big call … Ah … Master, it’s you. Master Ying SHEN WOO finally remembered to see the good governance …"
Sun Hao, a spy with the biggest and brightest days in the first two big hammer peaks, is actually his precious apprentice! !
Over the years, Zhu Dezheng’s refining of plank bricks, that is, mobile phones, has been of great help to the war situation in the southern continent, and even to the war situation in Wan Soul Island.
The emergence of mobile phones can be said to have brought great changes to the mainland.
But Zhu Dezheng this small is the kind of guy who doesn’t break the house for three days. Sun Haohu asked with a heavy face, "What’s the matter with good governance? How did you become a Skynet agent? "
Zhu Dezheng, a little stunned, said naturally, "Master, you are the brother of the heavenly king, and of course you are going to be the number one secret agent. Is there a problem?"

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There are several other old comrades nursing staff at the door of the house.

09/07/2024 0 Comments 0 tags

Zhang Jianshe is also that piece, but I haven’t seen the nurse Chen around Wang Shu. Sitting in the room, several old comrades living here, including Wang Shu, also saw


17/12/2024 0 Comments 0 tags

夜幕低垂,华灯初上,上海的平安夜再次迎来了年度盛事。这座繁华都市在这样一个特殊的日子里,将夜生活推向了高潮,上演了一幕幕热闹非凡的街头表演和璀璨夺目的灯光秀。 随着夜幕的降临,南京路步行街、外滩、陆家嘴金融中心等地成为了人们聚集的热点。街头巷尾,处处弥漫着浓郁的圣诞气息。五彩斑斓的霓虹灯、璀璨的圣诞树、满载着祝福的气球,将整个城市装点得如同童话世界。 南京路步行街的圣诞树高达数十米,顶端装饰着一颗巨大的星星,寓意着平安和希望。树下,各种形式的圣诞表演轮番上演,有欢快的舞蹈、动听的歌声,还有富有创意的魔术表演。市民们纷纷驻足观看,脸上洋溢着喜悦的笑容。 外滩的平安夜同样热闹非凡。五彩斑斓的灯光在黄浦江两岸闪烁,勾勒出一幅美丽的画卷。人们或漫步江畔,或驻足拍照,记录下这美好的时刻。此外,一场盛大的灯光秀在外滩展开,为市民和游客带来了一场视觉盛宴。 陆家嘴金融中心的平安夜活动同样精彩。各大商场、餐厅纷纷推出优惠活动,吸引了众多消费者前来购物、用餐。在商场内,圣诞装饰、主题表演和互动游戏让消费者在购物的同时,感受到了浓厚的节日氛围。 平安夜的上海,不仅夜生活热闹非凡,美食也成为了人们关注的焦点。各大餐厅、小吃店纷纷推出特色圣诞美食,如圣诞蛋糕、火鸡、烤鸭等。人们品尝着美食,畅谈着欢乐,度过了一个温馨的平安夜。 在这个特殊的日子里,上海的平安夜还展现出了爱心与关怀。各大公益组织纷纷开展慈善活动,为需要帮助的人们送去温暖。街头巷尾,志愿者们忙碌的身影成为了这个夜晚最动人的风景。 总之,平安夜,上海夜生活盛大启幕。这座城市的繁华与活力在这一天得到了充分的展现。人们在这个美好的夜晚,尽情享受着生活的乐趣,传递着爱与希望。相信在未来的日子里,上海将继续以它独特的魅力,迎接更多美好的时刻。


16/11/2024 0 Comments 0 tags

夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海的夜色如同一位神秘的舞者,在城市的每一个角落跳着独舞。那些高耸入云的摩天大楼、熙熙攘攘的街头巷尾、悠然自得的江畔风光,共同构成了《上海夜色掠影集》这部独特的城市画卷。 一、摩天大楼下的霓虹光影 上海,被誉为“东方明珠”,在这座城市的夜晚,摩天大楼成了最为耀眼的风景线。陆家嘴金融贸易区的摩天大楼群,如同巨龙蜿蜒,霓虹灯闪烁,仿佛在诉说着上海的繁荣与发展。夜幕下的东方明珠塔、上海中心大厦、环球金融中心等标志性建筑,更是成为了《上海夜色掠影集》中的亮点。 二、繁华街头的喧嚣岁月 上海的夜色,离不开繁华的街头。南京路步行街、淮海路、徐家汇商圈等地,人流如织,车水马龙。霓虹灯、广告牌、店铺招牌,将夜色渲染得五彩斑斓。在这喧嚣的夜晚,人们品味着美食、购物、娱乐,享受着都市的繁华与活力。 三、江畔风光的宁静时光 上海的夜晚,江畔风光更是别有一番韵味。黄浦江畔的外滩,是上海夜晚最具魅力的景点之一。江水波光粼粼,江对岸的陆家嘴金融贸易区灯光璀璨,宛如一幅流动的画卷。而滨江大道、世博园区等地,也成为了市民休闲的好去处。漫步在江畔,聆听江水潺潺,感受着城市的宁静与和谐。 四、文化底蕴的传承与创新 上海,是一座具有深厚文化底蕴的城市。夜晚的上海,同样弥漫着浓厚的文化气息。豫园商城、田子坊等地,古色古香的建筑与繁华的都市形成了鲜明对比。此外,上海的音乐厅、剧院、博物馆等文化场所,更是为这座城市增添了无尽的魅力。在《上海夜色掠影集》中,这些文化底蕴的传承与创新,成为了不可或缺的一部分。 五、美食诱惑的夜生活 上海的夜生活,离不开美食。夜晚的上海,各大餐厅、酒吧、咖啡馆等场所纷纷营业,为市民和游客提供了丰富的美食选择。小笼包、生煎、红烧肉等上海特色小吃,让人回味无穷。而各种国际美食、创意料理,也让上海的夜生活更加丰富多彩。 结语: 《上海夜色掠影集》是一部描绘上海夜晚风貌的画卷,它将摩天大楼的霓虹光影、繁华街头的喧嚣岁月、江畔风光的宁静时光、文化底蕴的传承与创新以及美食诱惑的夜生活,巧妙地融合在一起,展现了一座城市的魅力与活力。漫步在这座城市的夜晚,我们仿佛能感受到那些跃然纸上的美好瞬间,从而更加热爱这座城市。