Those who are going to see Fu Chen’s awkward guy now know how terrible this guy is, and that sound just now seems to be that Yi Lee’s finger bone was crushed.
At this time, Yi Lee didn’t just have a smiling face, but a full face of hatred, white eyes protruding outward and painful to the heart. His face muscles twisted into a ferocious and terrible ball.
Fu Chen held Li Yi’s soft hand and burst its banks. Hong generally flew into Yi Lee’s body and smiled lightly. Li Gong, are you unwell and pale?
This sentence is when Yi Lee holds Fu Chen’s hand.
Yi Lee mercilessly smoking a chill at the moment he didn’t mind to listen to Fu Chen nonsense trying to get out of Fu Chen’s hand.
Fu Chen’s father, Fu Jun’s life is at stake. This credit goes to Li Jiagu’s master Li Gangci. In the previous race, Li Gang seriously injured Fu Jun’s life and almost killed him. This time, Fu Chen finally caught a chance to avenge his father. He would let him go so easily and want Yi Lee to become a cripple.
Fu Chen was going to beat Yi Lee in the race, but because I don’t know who set up a conspiracy, Fu Chen lost his Yi Lee mobile phone, which became a pain in Fu Chen’s heart.
Fu Chen Wu Qingqing’s soft and pleasant sound rang in Fu Chen’s ear. Wanyuan is not a place of trouble. If people are killed, it is not good for the recruiters behind, so she will wake up Fu Chen.
The sound of Judah entered Fu Chen’s heart full of revenge like a spring, and his anger immediately calmed down. He smiled and let go of his hand, lightly saying that it was better for Li Gong to exercise more.
Fu Chen hand just loose there is close to collapse, Yi Lee crashing down and lying down again, panting like a dead dog, and never having the other graceful bearing again.
At this moment, Yi Lee’s hand didn’t react and immediately came running. At Fu Chen’s anger, he was busy helping Yi Lee into their Li family recruitment field.
Fu Chen is not an ordinary person. If Yi Lee’s hand is in his hand, two big families will really make trouble. They are likely to be sacrificed without the Lord’s command, and they dare not start work easily.
It took less than ten seconds from Fu Chen and Yi Lee shaking hands to Yi Lee, and just ten seconds was more difficult for Yi Lee than ten years.
Chapter 39 Recruitment Rules
Chapter 39 Recruitment Rules
After experiencing Fu Chen’s Yi Lee handshake episode, the mood is more depressed than that of others, except for the victim Yi Lee, who belongs to the manager of Hua Jia Wu.
Manager Wu wants to teach the Fu family a lesson this time with the help of Li Yi’s head. Who knows that instead of making him ugly, Yi Lee’s hand was crushed, which really made him embarrassed.
For nearly ten years, the two families have helped each other, helped each other and won a win-win situation. Together with other families, they competed for a front, and they were therefore very ambiguous.
Because of Fu Chen’s pride, Yi Lee accepted Li Yi’s affection from Manager Wu this time, but I didn’t expect that the knot turned out to be Yi Lee’s hand bone was crushed, which really made his face light.
I ordered my confidant to go to the Li family recruitment site to express condolences to Yi Lee. Then I went to the front of Fu Chen and stared angrily at Fu Chen. However, I said that if I was injured in the flowering period after half a year, I would be the first to spare your Fu family.
In the clan comparison, Fu Chen crippled the flowering period. Because General Manager Wu plays a very important role in the flower family, he also knows a thing or two about Fu Chen’s treatment of flowering period, but he knows the specific methods from it.
Hehe, Fu Chen Gong said with a smile that you don’t have to worry about your public injury.
Fu Chen’s hard practice is to break through and become a Taiyuan as soon as possible, and this level is also a sign of advanced practice.
Cheng Taiyuan, this is the minimum requirement for Fu Chen by Song Qingdan, a wonderful medical fairy. Because of this level of strong physical strength, Fu Chen can barely resist the burning of spiritual fire. Not many people know the big secret that Fu Chen wants to be refined as a pharmacist to treat Fu Junzhan during flowering.
Fu Chen said and strode to the Fu family recruitment site.
Little bastard, if it doesn’t work out in half a year, I’ll let you Fu Jiafu pay a painful price. Manager Wu gnashes his teeth and keeps staring at Fu Chen’s back.
In Hua Jia Wu’s words carry a lot of weight, and even Hua Jia’s master has to respect him for three points.
It won’t be that manager Wu growls and Fu Chen leads two peerless beauties, Xiao You and Wu Qingqing, to shuttle through the recruitment venue, and soon they have found their Fu family recruitment position.
There is a pot of hot tea on a sandalwood incense table, and there are three stools next to it. The humble place makes Fu Chen keep pie mouth.
Anyway, Wanyuan is a first-class university of Wanyuan Empire. Besides, it’s really flattering to come here and recruit families who are famous and powerful.
The situation changed so quickly in a few seconds.
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走进上海的一家专业减肥按摩会所,首先映入眼帘的是温馨而优雅的环境。柔和的灯光、清新的空气,以及精心布置的绿植,让人瞬间感受到放松的氛围。在这里,减肥按摩不仅仅是一种身体上的放松,更是一种心灵的慰藉。 专业的按摩师会根据每位顾客的体型、体质和需求,量身定制个性化的减肥按摩方案。他们熟练运用各种按摩手法,如淋巴排毒、深层组织按摩、穴位按摩等,帮助顾客有效燃烧脂肪、消除水肿、紧致肌肤。 在减肥按摩过程中,顾客会感受到一种前所未有的舒适。按摩师的手法轻柔而有力,每一寸肌肤都得到了细致的呵护。在按摩师的引导下,顾客的呼吸逐渐变得深长而均匀,身体的紧张感逐渐消失,仿佛置身于一个宁静的世界。 值得一提的是,上海减肥按摩会所的按摩产品也颇具特色。他们采用纯天然植物精油,如薰衣草、薄荷、迷迭香等,不仅能够帮助舒缓肌肉疲劳,还具有美肤、减肥的功效。在按摩过程中,这些精油会渗透到肌肤深层,让顾客在享受按摩的同时,肌肤也能得到滋养。 除了传统的按摩手法,上海减肥按摩会所还推出了多种创新项目,如热石按摩、塑形减肥等。热石按摩利用加热后的石头进行按摩,能够加速血液循环,促进脂肪燃烧;塑形减肥则通过专业的仪器和手法,针对性地塑造身体线条,达到塑形的目的。 在减肥按摩的同时,顾客还可以享受到会所提供的其他服务,如瑜伽、汗蒸等。这些项目能够帮助顾客在放松身心的同时,增强体质,提高新陈代谢,从而更好地达到减肥的效果。 值得一提的是,上海减肥按摩会所的服务态度也堪称一流。从预约、接待到按摩过程中,工作人员都会以微笑面对每一位顾客,让顾客感受到宾至如归的温馨。 总之,在上海体验减肥按摩,是一次身心愉悦的旅程。在这里,你不仅可以享受到专业、舒适的按摩服务,还能感受到独具特色的按摩文化。在这个快节奏的都市生活中,给自己一段放松的时间,让身心得到充分的呵护,何乐而不为呢?
"Stupid human shadow earthworm gave you a chance, but you didn’t cherish it." The long worm suddenly jumped out of the water and crashed into the faltering Wang Lao.
If you have seen it in your eyes, where can you get it if you avoid monster attacks? There was once an experience that didn’t help. And then the crow
一、美食探店 1. 南翔馒头店:位于上海嘉定区,这家百年老字号以制作南翔小笼包闻名,是品尝地道上海小笼包的好去处。 2. 龙之梦万丽酒店中餐厅:位于上海静安区,这里提供精致的粤菜和海鲜,是商务宴请和情侣约会的好地方。 3. 长寿面馆:位于上海徐汇区,这家面馆以手工拉面闻名,味道鲜美,是品尝上海特色面食的首选。 二、购物休闲 1. 南京路步行街:作为上海最繁华的商业街,这里汇聚了各大品牌旗舰店,是购物休闲的首选之地。 2. 外滩源:位于上海黄浦区,这里集合了众多特色小店、餐厅和酒吧,是体验上海夜生活的绝佳地点。 3. 滨江大道:位于上海浦东新区,这里可以欣赏到外滩夜景,同时还有众多特色酒吧和餐厅。 三、演出娱乐 1. 上海大剧院:位于上海黄浦区,这里上演各类国内外知名歌剧、芭蕾舞剧和音乐会,是欣赏高雅艺术的好去处。 2. 上海国际舞蹈中心:位于上海徐汇区,这里定期举办各类舞蹈演出,是舞蹈爱好者的天堂。 3. 上海音乐厅:位于上海黄浦区,这里上演各类国内外知名交响乐、室内乐和合唱音乐会,是音乐爱好者的聚集地。 四、夜游景点 1. 外滩夜景:漫步在外滩,欣赏黄浦江两岸的繁华景象,感受上海夜晚的独特魅力。 2. 陆家嘴夜景:登上上海中心大厦、东方明珠塔等高楼,俯瞰陆家嘴夜景,领略城市之美。 3. 苏州河:乘坐游船游览苏州河,欣赏两岸的灯光秀和建筑风貌,感受上海夜晚的浪漫氛围。 总之,上海周边夜间娱乐活动丰富多彩,无论你是美食爱好者、购物达人,还是文艺青年,都能在这里找到属于自己的快乐。快来感受这座城市的夜晚魅力吧!