However, this reward seems to transform the face according to the female face …
That is to say, I will be surprised to find that I will become a mother again when I get up tomorrow?
Lin Jin suddenly figured it out by car, and suddenly the whole person was depressed.
Maybe if I go like this again, even if I have short hair and even a bald head, Metropolitan Street will be regarded as a sister. Maybe after a while, she won’t even be able to enter the boys’ dormitory.
Lin Jin felt a strong sense of crisis.
Take the bus. As always, Lin Jin sat in the back compartment, and her head was slightly lost by the window with a sigh.
"What can’t make me handsome by feeding the black cat?" Lin Jin quickly typed two thumbs on the screen and asked the black cat, "Is there anything that can make me MAN?" I don’t want to take the cute route. Even if I want to be a goddess, it’s better to be the kind of Shuai Shuai girl who will bend when she looks at it. "
After a while, the black cat leaned out from the corner of the screen. "Do you want to be a lily?"
"No, I want to be a very handsome goddess." Lin Jin knows that she can be a normal and complete man, and she has low requirements for black cats. "Being a woman can be a goddess, but I can accept being handsome."
"I’m sorry, my impression of the goddess is that she is beautiful and charming." The black cat got up and spread her claws like a person and shrugged her shoulders. "All your ideas are impossible."
"Don’t say cute, you make me talented?" Lin Jin seemed to see the best joke, but she didn’t want to laugh inexplicably in front of her roommate, so she bowed her head and shook her shoulders and secretly smiled.
Isn’t this joke too funny? Only? I’m a little "artistic" except fake singing, but the word "talent" can’t completely cover me, okay?
Every day, when I miss classes in high school, I can hardly speak English. How can I be asked to be "talented and talented"?
Lin Jinxiao immediately after the look dimmed to some dissatisfaction with the black cat asked, "What must be talented? Are you all right? I am a truant every day. Do you tell me this? "
"It’s okay, the cat will train you and you will soon become a goddess in my mind!" Of course, the black cat looked up with a look of I am great and looked at Lin Jin outside the screen of the mobile phone. "Besides, aren’t you approaching what I want now?"
"You haven’t passed English since junior high school, have you? Didn’t you still get ten points on the second quiz? "
Lin Jin recalled the pain of learning English crazily at the beginning and trembled all over. "I don’t think I will finish this again. If you let me fail the final English course, I will definitely give up."
"Just like this week?" The black cat seems to have remembered something funny, and his mouth is grinning with a big white tooth.
"What’s the matter?" Lin Jin’s heart jumped and suddenly felt something was wrong.
What am I missing?
"No, it’s nothing." The black cat turned around and whistled. After that, it looked like "What’s it like?"
However, after Lin Jin finished, there was no way to sigh at it. She could just forget that feeling as an illusion, and she was heartless. Indeed, when Wu Min chatted with her a minute later, she completely forgot that uncomfortable illusion.
Chapter 7 69 amnesia?
Get up early, Lin Jin is a little confused, sit on the bed and look at the ceiling with a blank face.
I feel like I dreamed something bad last night.
Lin Jin tried to recall last night’s dream, but there were fragments in her head. If I remember correctly, she seemed to dream that she was forcibly slapped and pregnant last night …
That man is quite familiar, although his dream face is a blur, but Lin Jin still feels familiar, but he can’t remember who that man is.
"Something’s wrong" she sighed. "It must be that the black cat said that the punishment was forced every day, which made me dream of such a thing."
Today is Saturday, right?
When Lin Jin took the pillow and glanced at the mobile phone, he found that it was only ten o’clock early and looked back at Wu Min’s bed. At this time, his bed was left with messy quilts, but people didn’t know where to go.
Did you go out to find that girl named Feng Jingmei?
I didn’t think much about it. Lin Jin climbed into the bed closet neatly and carefully looked at his face before the mirror to see if it was beautified in the so-called intermediate facial transformation.
At first glance, Lin Jin suddenly froze in place. When she saw Byakki Smoker, it was as if she had been skinned by a beauty camera. Her face looked much whiter than yesterday, and some stubborn acne marks and scars on her face had disappeared. Her face was as rosy as a seven-year-old child.
Low-level facial reconstruction seems to be a "grinding" of the face and skin. Those acne marks that were obvious were missing a large area of skin and tiny hair was also cleaned. Anyway, it looks a little more beautiful than before, and this facial reconstruction doesn’t seem too obvious, but all those acne marks that were not cleaned before were cleaned and the skin was brighter.
Compared with before, it’s almost like having a beauty camera on all the time
Lin Jin nodded with satisfaction. This transformation didn’t transform her face into a younger sister’s face as she feared yesterday, but simply cleaned her skin again.
It looks a lot more handsome.
Lin Jin made a face at herself in the mirror. She was about to go to the balcony to wash, but suddenly she saw the facial cleanser on the table.
Well, it feels like I don’t need facial cleanser in my life.
Lin Jin touched his smooth cheek and immediately smiled more happily.
Although the face turned white and the skin became better, there was an illusion that it was a small white face, but anyway, instead of making herself more handsome, women became more handsome. Lin Jin was also satisfied
I don’t know if I can get a lot of classmates’ likes when I go to class ~
Although the class sister is not very beautiful, it is not an embarrassing thing to be liked by her sister, but it is also a kind of bragging money to brag to her roommates.
"Yo Lin Jin"
As soon as I got to the balcony, Lin Jin saw Xiao Ling brushing her teeth and saying hello to her with lisping.
"Morning" Lin Jin’s smiling face immediately restored calm, and nothing happened to soak the towel.
"What were you laughing at just now?" Xiao Ling and Lin Jinshi are not very familiar with each other, but they are a little familiar with each other because of the coma of their former aunt Lin Jin. "Do you have a boyfriend?"
"Can’t you just say that in the dormitory?" As soon as Lin Jin heard this, he immediately looked at the back door of Xiaoling dormitory and found that no one had come out of it. He was dissatisfied and complained, "What if others know?"
"Good good" Xiao Ling wiped her face with a towel after washing and looked up at Lin Jin, but she was stunned for a while. "Why do you seem to be beautiful?"
"I’m a natural beauty." Lin Jin rolled her eyes at him. She can’t say that she was hurt by a black cat later, can she?
"When Mao Mao saw you yesterday, there were pimples on your face." Xiao Ling was in no hurry to go back to the dormitory and leaned against the sink with his hands in his pants pockets. "You won’t be wearing makeup, will you?"
"Not that thing." Lin Jin didn’t want to listen to this after washing. She turned around with a towel and planned to go back to the dormitory.
"By the way, there is physical education class this afternoon. Don’t forget."
"Huh?" Lin Jin couldn’t believe going back and asking again, "physical education class?"
"Yes, didn’t the PE teacher say that he went on a business trip two weeks ago?" Xiao Ling’s face smiled like a farce. "Run a kilometer today. Don’t faint at your period again."
"Fuck you, it was an accident." Jin Lin didn’t good the spirit stared his one eye.
Speaking of it, Lin Jin almost never took classes before, except for testing the situation at the beginning of school. Later, Ji didn’t take classes. Two classes a week were already very good for the teacher. But since the black cat gave her a long list of forbidden items, she honestly went to class again. At this time, it happened that physical education class was on a business trip. Lin Jin almost forgot that there was physical education class in the university.
Although Lin Jin likes money best, after all, no one doesn’t like it, but this temporary reward is intermediate facial reconstruction, okay? Who doesn’t like being handsome? Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many whole hospitals popping up one after another in recent years, and there wouldn’t be that someone painted millions to make the whole news.
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夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海这座繁华的都市,犹如一颗璀璨的明珠,在夜色中熠熠生辉。历经岁月洗礼,上海始终保持着独特的魅力,不断焕发出新的活力。今天,就让我们一同走进《夜上海繁华焕新记》,感受这座城市的繁华变迁。 一、外滩的沧桑巨变 站在黄浦江畔,外滩的繁华景象映入眼帘。曾经,这里是一段充满沧桑的历史,见证了中国近代的兴衰。如今,外滩已成为上海的地标性建筑群,汇聚了世界各地的风格。夜幕降临,霓虹灯映衬下的外滩,流光溢彩,美轮美奂。江对岸的陆家嘴,摩天大楼拔地而起,犹如巨龙腾飞,彰显着上海的现代化风貌。 二、南京路的繁华盛景 南京路,被誉为“中华第一商业街”,是上海繁华的象征。夜晚的南京路,人流如织,热闹非凡。五光十色的霓虹灯、琳琅满目的商品、络绎不绝的游客,共同描绘出一幅繁华盛景。漫步在南京路上,仿佛置身于一个购物天堂,让人流连忘返。 三、陆家嘴的金融中心 陆家嘴,上海的经济心脏,拥有众多世界级金融机构。夜晚的陆家嘴,高楼林立,灯火辉煌。璀璨的灯光映照着摩天大楼,犹如一颗颗明珠镶嵌在夜空中。这里,汇聚了全球的目光,成为上海乃至中国的金融中心。 四、张江高科技园区的创新活力 张江高科技园区,是上海科技创新的重要基地。夜晚的张江,灯火通明,科研人员仍在忙碌着。这里,汇聚了众多高新技术企业,创新氛围浓厚。夜晚的张江,不仅是一座繁华的都市,更是一座充满活力的创新之城。 五、魔都的夜生活 上海,被称为“魔都”,不仅因为其繁华的都市风貌,更因为其丰富多彩的夜生活。夜晚的上海,酒吧、咖啡馆、KTV等娱乐场所热闹非凡。人们在这里畅饮、欢歌,释放着压力,享受着生活的乐趣。 六、夜市的风采 夜市,是上海夜生活的一部分。昌里路、彭浦新村、寿宁路等夜市,见证了上海的发展和变迁。虽然这些夜市在发展过程中遇到了诸多问题,但它们始终保持着独特的风采。夜晚的夜市,充满了烟火气和人情味,让人感受到了这座城市的活力。 结语: 夜上海,繁华焕新,魅力依旧。在这座城市里,古老的与现代交织,东方与西方融合。夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海犹如一位优雅的舞者,在夜色中翩翩起舞。让我们共同见证《夜上海繁华焕新记》,感受这座城市的独特魅力。
随着生活节奏的加快,人们越来越注重健康养生。桑拿作为一种古老的养生方式,在我国有着悠久的历史。上海江宁桑拿,作为一家集休闲、养生、娱乐为一体的综合性桑拿场所,近年来吸引了众多养生爱好者。现面向社会公开招聘技士,传承养生之道,共同打造一个温馨舒适的养生乐园。 一、上海江宁桑拿简介 上海江宁桑拿位于繁华的市中心,交通便利,环境优雅。自成立以来,始终坚持“以人为本、健康养生”的理念,致力于为广大顾客提供优质的服务。江宁桑拿拥有多种桑拿房型,包括干蒸、湿蒸、药浴、玉石床等,满足不同顾客的需求。此外,还设有休息区、茶艺区、健身区等,让顾客在享受桑拿的同时,还能放松身心、愉悦心情。 二、招聘技士,传承养生之道 为满足日益增长的顾客需求,上海江宁桑拿现面向社会公开招聘技士。招聘岗位如下: 1. 桑拿技士:负责为顾客提供专业的桑拿服务,包括干蒸、湿蒸、药浴等,确保顾客在享受桑拿的过程中,既能达到养生保健的目的,又能享受到舒适的服务。 2. 茶艺师:负责为顾客提供茶艺表演,弘扬我国茶文化,让顾客在品茗的同时,感受养生之乐。 3. 健身教练:负责为顾客提供专业的健身指导,帮助顾客在桑拿之余,增强体质、塑造体型。 三、招聘要求 1. 具有良好的职业道德和敬业精神,热爱养生事业。 2. 具备相关专业知识和技能,如按摩、茶艺、健身等。 3. 年龄在18-45岁之间,身体健康,形象气质佳。 4. 有相关工作经验者优先。 四、薪资待遇 1. 优厚的薪资待遇,提供完善的福利保障。 2. 提供专业培训,帮助员工提升技能。 3. 提供良好的工作环境和发展平台。 五、应聘方式 有意者请将个人简历发送至邮箱,邮件主题请注明“应聘技士+姓名”。我们将尽快与您联系。 上海江宁桑拿期待您的加入,让我们一起传承养生之道,为顾客带来健康、愉悦的生活体验!