This is the snow princess Yan’s charming face, which shows very little now. She is stunned and gawking at the white light, thinking about Chen, and thinking about Chen has been closing her eyes. At this moment, she quietly opened her eyes and grabbed Ye Chen’s clothes. She looked up and looked at Ye Chen’s face with big black eyes.
In the dark, he felt that he had been stared at Ye Chen by two pure and flawless eyes, touched his face and gently called Sichen.
Two very tender, tender and melodious sounds like the first cry of Huangying came from that pink and tender lip a day ago, and the sounds of nature entered the middle of three people’s ears. When the snow princess Yan Xiaomo finished her stay, she seemed to freeze at this moment.
Is it a dream? What sound or touch is so real?
It’s not a dream. Everything is so unreal that people can’t believe it.
A soft, slippery little hand touched Ye Chen’s face mischievously, and a pair of bright eyes were also moving in his face, and every organ kept playing the dreamy crisp and tender sound in his mouth.
Her pronunciation has lost her ability to speak. For Xue Fei Yan Xiaomo, Sichen is a miracle, but for Ye Chen, the sound is ten million times stronger than his heart.
She called it dad.
In Tianchen, mainland women address their parents as ordinary father and mother, while father is the one who addresses his father in the land where he was born in China. She can’t hear, and she can’t be taught to speak, let alone tell her that this father is a coincidence or that a daughter has brought miracles to herself.
Sichen Sichen spoke, and she could speak. Xuefei Yan, the goblin general female, was excited in shock at this moment. At this moment, her little face, which had been watching Ye Chen, slowly turned to face her four eyes. Xuefei Yan suddenly saw a pair of bright diamond eyes, which she had never seen before.
Aunt Xue, she waved a small hand and her tender face showed a very sweet smile.
Aunt Xue
This sound brought Xue Fei Yan a shock that was much greater than her simple pronunciation. I don’t know how many times she fell into a dream like Ye Chen.
She can’t hear the sound of snow heart and snow dance, and she will never teach her what aunt Xue calls it.
And don’t her eyes
Thinking about Chen’s eyes once again turned to Xiao Mo, and Xiao Mo has been curious to look at her. Thinking about Chen’s lip micro-motion and tender voice, she shouted to Xiao Mo’s sister.
This time even Xiao Mo stayed there.
Ye Chen has never heard Xiao Mo’s name since she came to Snow Palace, and when Qian Xueyan asked her name, she also pointed to Ye Chen and replied, He is my dad. What will she know about Xiao Mo’s name?
Sichen was held up by Ye Chen in front of her eyes, and her eyes were staring at her with a smile, enjoying the feeling of being watched in the dark. He almost trembled and gently asked Sichen, my daughter, have you seen dad?
See dad
I didn’t let Ye Chen wait, but I gave him an answer that shocked him to return the snow princess Yan.
Is this a miracle from the snow god? Snow Princess Yan stared at Sichen, her eyes were still wet, and her eyes were covered with thick mist again. What else can explain this miracle except these two words? At the moment, she saw everything and heard everything. Slowly, she wanted to hold Sichen in her arms, hold her tight and vent her depression for the past three years.
She was born because of her thoughts, but she has been suffering from cruelty all her life. Ordinary people dare not imagine what a terrible world the world would be like. She dare not think that every time she thinks about her guilt, her heart will be torn apart. She is called the number one doctor in heaven, but she can’t save her mother. She feels ashamed to stay with her. She is the culprit that has brought her so much pain.
Now in her father’s arms, she suddenly speaks and shows her a pair of the most beautiful eyes in the world. She can finally put the huge stone in her heart and feel guilty as her aunt Xue.
She believes that it was Ye Chen’s arrival that brought this miracle, and it was their father and daughter who worked together to create a miracle.
Sichen my daughter
His heart was completely disturbed in front of his daughter, and he found that his words were so scarce that he didn’t know whether he should laugh or hurt at this time. He could call his daughter softly from the bottom of his heart.
My daughter, I can’t see my daughter with my eyes open.
It’s good to see for a minute or several seconds. Please let me see my daughter even once.
The heart is screaming wildly in the surge. He has never been so eager to restore his vision as he is now, and he has never hated his eyes as he is now.
Your daughter is close at hand, hold her in your arms, listen to her call, but you can’t see her world. What is more sad than this?
Look at mom, mom, look at mom.
The little hand that has been dancing all the time pointed to the fact that they had just walked through the palace gate, and the word "mother" shook Ye Chen’s heart, because this was when he was born, he called his mother in the world, and there was no such thing as mom and dad.
My good father Ma took you to see my mother. Ye Chen turned around and carefully accelerated his steps along the direction in his memory. He just left the place and took her to see her. She had never met her mother, Xuefei Yan, for a long time before she hurried with the past.
Ye Chen holds Sichen again in front of the ice wall with frozen inflammation and zhi dream. Her eyes rested on her mother’s body through a thick layer of ice. She stopped laughing just now, and her face was full of tears. She gently whispered to her mother with a slight Kuqiang voice.
The girl lying there quietly with her eyes closed and beautiful as a fairy is her mother. Her mother has been in the first place, but this is the first time she has seen her mother. Today is the first time she has seen her father and her family reunited in this cold and quiet place where outsiders will not disturb her.

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04/12/2024 0 Comments 0 tags

走进上海的高端按摩体验中心,仿佛步入了一个远离尘嚣的世外桃源。这里的装修风格独具匠心,将现代与传统相结合,营造出一种低调奢华的氛围。宽敞明亮的大厅,雅致的茶几上摆放着精致的茶具,轻柔的音乐在空气中弥漫,让人瞬间忘却城市的喧嚣。 体验中心内的技师团队,都是经过严格筛选和培训的精英。他们不仅精通各种按摩手法,更懂得如何根据客人的需求,量身定制个性化的按摩方案。在技师们的专业手法下,肌肉的紧绷逐渐被舒缓,身体的疲惫也随之消散。 除了传统的按摩项目,上海的高端按摩体验中心还提供了多种特色服务。例如,水疗项目通过温泉、水疗池等设施,让客人享受到全方位的水疗体验,促进血液循环,增强新陈代谢。此外,还有芳疗、SPA、瑜伽等养生项目,让身心得到全方位的放松。 在高端按摩体验中心,客人可以尽情享受私密的空间。宽敞舒适的房间,温馨雅致的装饰,以及严格遵循私密性原则的服务,让每一位客人都能在这里找到属于自己的宁静角落。在这里,你可以与好友小聚,也可以独自享受一个人的时光。 值得一提的是,上海的高端按摩体验中心在服务态度上也堪称一流。从客人踏入体验中心的那一刻起,工作人员便热情周到地提供服务。无论是预约、咨询还是入住,都会感受到宾至如归的温馨。 值得一提的是,这些高端按摩体验中心不仅关注客人的身体健康,更注重他们的精神需求。在这里,你可以享受到茶道、香道、书画等传统文化体验,感受中国古典文化的韵味。同时,还有专业的心理咨询服务,帮助客人缓解压力,释放心灵。 总之,上海的高端按摩体验中心为都市精英们提供了一个放松身心、修养身心的绝佳去处。在这里,你可以尽情享受专业、舒适、优质的按摩服务,感受生活的美好。不论是繁忙的工作之余,还是与亲朋好友的聚会,高端按摩体验中心都是你不错的选择。


15/11/2024 0 Comments 0 tags

夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海这座繁华都市的夜生活逐渐拉开帷幕。在这璀璨的霓虹灯下,有一道独特的风景线,那就是充满烟火气的夜市。这些夜市不仅是上海市民生活的一部分,更是这座城市历史变迁的见证。 上海夜市的历史可以追溯到上世纪80年代。那时的上海,正值改革开放初期,城市面貌日新月异。随着浦东新区的开发,许多老字号纷纷跨江开设分店,为浦东人民带来了便利。而夜市,则成为了一种新兴的消费形式,满足了人们对夜生活的需求。 昌里路夜市是浦东最早开发的夜市之一。从1980年代开始,它从一片农村景观逐渐转变为繁华的夜市。在这里,人们可以品尝到各式各样的美食,如小笼包、生煎、烧烤等,这些美食汇聚了上海的传统风味,成为了夜市的一大特色。随着夜经济的发展,昌里路逐渐成为了知名的夜宵圣地,吸引了大量市民前来购物和消费。 然而,随着城市的发展,昌里路夜市也面临着诸多问题。环境污染、摊贩冲突等问题逐渐显现,最终在2018年的大整治中走向尾声。尽管如此,昌里路夜市的存在仍然让许多上海市民怀念不已,它见证了城市的发展,也承载了上海人的记忆。 彭浦新村夜市则起源于1990年代,是下岗工人和外来务工人员在偏远土地上重新开始的地方。彭浦夜市以其繁忙和丰富的小吃闻名,但最终因为脏乱差和无证经营等问题被取缔。这个曾经热闹非凡的夜市,如今已成为历史的回忆。 寿宁路夜市则以小龙虾为主题,形成了独具特色的小龙虾一条街。自2000年开始,寿宁路因小龙虾店的兴起而繁荣。在这里,人们可以品尝到各种口味的小龙虾,夜市也因此成为了上海美食的一大代表。然而,随着2020年道路改造,小龙虾店纷纷搬离,寿宁路夜市也逐渐失去了往日的繁华。 这些夜市的兴衰,反映了上海城市发展与居民生活的变迁。它们为城市带来了活力和特色,但同时也带来了油烟、噪音等问题,影响着市民的生活。然而,这并不能否定夜市的价值。在许多上海市民看来,夜市是城市文化的一部分,它们承载着上海人的情感和记忆。 上海夜市的魅力在于它的多样性。在这里,你可以品尝到地道的上海小吃,也可以品尝到来自世界各地的美食。夜市里的摊贩们各具特色,他们的热情和真诚让人感受到上海这座城市的包容与活力。 夜市也是上海市民休闲娱乐的好去处。在这里,人们可以品尝美食、购买生活用品,还可以与朋友相聚,畅谈心事。夜市的存在,让上海这座城市更加生动、更加有温度。 总之,上海夜市风情是这座城市不可或缺的一部分。它们见证了上海的发展,也承载了上海人的记忆。在未来的日子里,我们期待上海夜市能够继续传承这座城市的文化,为市民带来更多的欢乐和美好回忆。