However, this is a good place. Although there is nothing, it is clean and there are no other criminals mixed here.
"God will wake up"
The moment he was brought in, the scholar listened to the elite say so.
Chapter one thousand three hundred and sixty-one Race and belief
The sky is dark
But the earth shines.
This is a lake, but it’s not water, but something sticky, with an orange glow.
It looks a little like magma, and it also emits high temperature.
A golden figure slowly descended from the sky and floated in this lava lake.
This is not a lava lake, but a vast sandy land covered with gray gravel, and a huge tree-shaped object stands in the center of the sandy land.
Yes … This is where God is, and now everything here has changed. Many vast sands have become high-temperature lakes, and the giant tree called God has long since left.
Because there is no way to protect that … God has no way to know the location of the remoulder, and the last choice is to come here to the original place of God.
Maybe … What else can be found here?
….. at the same time, on the other side …
"Where on earth are we going to ship it?" "It seems to be said that it will be put into an abandoned missile and thrown far away." "What? Don’t you use it for research? " "Maybe it’s too dangerous."
This is the dust crocodile city, which has been attacked one after another and once again ushered in their victory.
But this time, the residents didn’t cheer. They haven’t forgotten the huge lava god. Although the problem has been solved temporarily, the fear remains.
The frozen missile of the giant lava god became a solidified statue. Around this statue, a large number of soldiers and chariots were guarding the sky here, and occasionally the sound of flying aircraft sounded.
Although the lava god was frozen, the dust crocodiles were still afraid that it might wake up. The commander of the army ordered the frozen god to be strictly guarded and planned the simplest solution to solve it.
That is to throw it into the virtual, which is the most common solution.
This world is different from the virtual people’s world. There is no ocean where garbage can be thrown, and there are many races around. For the dust crocodile, life here is very crowded, and it is even difficult to throw away the waste.
So they launched abandoned missiles. When the waste piled up too much, they loaded the waste into missiles and fired it out.
Because this is a special pipeline, the ejected waste is unlikely to turn into meteorites and then hit it back and hit it somewhere else. This is a perfect treatment plan.
"… so that’s it. Are they going to do this?"
This is a scholar swinging in a dark room and two other dust crocodiles waiting here.
But although there seems to be nothing here, you can still find something if you look for one. For example, scholars just found one …
After the fight, one wall here becomes a screen for projecting images, and it can also receive news from outside.
Therefore, scholars have seen the coverage of the whole event.
The military announced that the lava crisis had been lifted. Of course, they didn’t announce that it was a dusty crocodile who believed in God, that is, it was a … wild creature with no origin.
And also announced that the solution is to put it in an abandoned missile and shoot it out with other wastes. The dust crocodile doesn’t seem to have studied this idea.
They should be interested in knowing what this thing is made of … Scholars really want to know.
But the dust crocodile wants to throw it out
"no! If they do this, they will cause god’s anger! " Look at the news elite with scholars and say to the picture, "They are not white! All this is … "
"Has God always been like this?" Asked the scholar
"What?" The elite wondered, "What do you mean all the time?"
"It’s just that … you seem to have lost contact with God a long time ago," the scholar said. "Did it say something like’ bite and kill’ at first or did it say it later?"
"It’s … right!" The elite said, "It only said this when it communicated with you. God has been communicating with me all the time, but it didn’t say … bite and kill anything, and the way of speaking was very … calm and communicated with you. Then it suddenly became like this!" "
"This is very strange …" Scholars think that if God hadn’t become like this, he might have told the environmental reformers something.
"What did you do to God? No, it is impossible for anyone to do anything to God! " The elite said, "No matter what … it is a god!" "
"What are you and God?" Suddenly, the wall picture disappeared and flashed again, and the face and other problems appeared in the picture together.
"command!" The elite said, "Stop throwing God out immediately. You must restore it and apologize to it so that it may not anger our whole race!" "
"I didn’t ask you a question to listen to your orders," said the commander. "You must tell me everything with its details and let it attack here. Is it a conspiracy of the invaders? It is said that they can make you betray your compatriots … "
"It’s not attacking here!" The elite said, "It’s just passing through here. It’s going to a place that is our city. Its action range is just right. Let it wake up quickly!" "
"Wake it up?" The commander asked, "How to wake up?"
"Of course, heating can wake it up," said the elite. "Are you willing to listen to me?"
"Of course," the commander said, "I will keep it in a low temperature environment as you say, so that it will never wake up!"
"no! You can’t do this! " Elite shouted "so it will be angry! If it can’t get to that place! It will … destroy everything here! "
"Then tell me everything you know," said the commander. "How can we believe that you have to tell everything you know before we can consider it?"
The elite said hesitantly, "… but God said that only believers can know."
The commander-in-chief said, "Then we will continue to implement the previous plan!"
"no! I tell you! " Elite hurriedly said, "Operation God …"
"God told me that it made an agreement with another … God who gave it something, but this agreement never came true, so it decided to get it by itself."
"… that’s it?" The commander asked, "It is to get something and melt through our building all the way."
"… yes, but it won’t hurt us!" The elite said, "Please let it continue to get things."
"Then what is it going to get?" The commander asked, "What is it worth doing?"
"I don’t know, it didn’t tell me …" Elite said, "But it’s very important."
"Well, it seems that you don’t know anything," said the commander. "Or you are hiding something. Anyway, we won’t wake that monster up with this information."
After that, its picture disappeared.
"Wait a minute!" Elite immediately cried, "you can’t do this! You can’t! "
"…" But the picture didn’t respond.
"Do you really know that much?" At this time, the scholar asked the elite, "Did God tell you these … vague messages that he was going to get something?"
"Yes," said the elite, "it didn’t tell much … but it also said that it had to get there, and there was no way out."
"It will certainly be angry … our race … will be destroyed."

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近年来,随着我国经济的快速发展和人民生活水平的提高,夜生活逐渐成为人们休闲娱乐的重要方式。上海和苏州作为我国著名的旅游城市,夜生活也成为了众多游客关注的焦点。然而,两座城市的夜生活却有着截然不同的风格,那么上海夜生活与苏州夜生活有何异同呢? 首先,上海夜生活以繁华、时尚著称。作为国际大都市,上海的夜生活丰富多样,涵盖了购物、餐饮、娱乐、文化等多个方面。外滩的夜景、陆家嘴的摩天大楼、新天地的小资情调、南京路的购物天堂,都成为了上海夜生活的标志性元素。此外,上海还有许多酒吧、夜店、KTV等娱乐场所,为年轻人提供了尽情释放压力的场所。 相比之下,苏州夜生活则显得更为宁静、雅致。苏州古城的夜晚,古朴的建筑、流水潺潺、灯火阑珊,给人一种岁月静好的感觉。平江路、山塘街等古街巷,夜晚依旧熙熙攘攘,游客和市民在这里品尝美食、购买特色工艺品,享受悠闲的时光。此外,苏州还有许多文化场馆、博物馆等,举办各类夜间活动,如昆曲、评弹等,让市民和游客领略到江南文化的韵味。 其次,上海夜生活注重国际化,苏州夜生活则更注重本土文化。上海的夜生活融合了世界各地的文化元素,如法国酒吧、日本料理、韩国烧烤等,让游客在品尝美食的同时,也能感受到异国风情。而苏州的夜生活则更加注重本土文化的传承和发展,如评弹、昆曲等传统艺术形式,成为了苏州夜生活的一大特色。 再次,上海夜生活节奏较快,苏州夜生活则较为悠闲。上海的夜生活充满了竞争和活力,人们下班后纷纷涌入各类娱乐场所,享受夜生活带来的快乐。而苏州的夜生活则更为悠闲,人们下班后喜欢漫步在古街巷,品尝美食,享受与家人、朋友相聚的时光。 最后,上海夜生活具有较高的消费水平,苏州夜生活则相对较低。上海的夜生活场所大多位于市中心,消费水平较高。而苏州的夜生活则较为亲民,游客和市民都能在这里找到适合自己的休闲娱乐方式。 总之,上海夜生活与苏州夜生活各有特色,各有千秋。上海夜生活以繁华、时尚、国际化为特点,苏州夜生活则以宁静、雅致、本土文化为特色。游客在游览两座城市时,不妨根据自己的喜好,选择适合自己的夜生活方式,感受这座城市的独特魅力。