This white-haired person refers to the elderly while the black-haired person refers to the young person, not that the hair is white and black.
Ling Youdao longed for Yan Ran and Shang Si. Ling Renyin lived together for several years, just as a family naturally treated her as if she were their own.
A spiritual root is a "fairy". Don’t be so nervous.
Then I saw Ling Youdao’s right hand caressing Mu Yan ran’s sweet shoulder and relieved, "Don’t worry, Yiner’s parents are monks and they are better than their peers in all aspects, and they are likely to be pregnant with Linggen."
People who are pregnant with spiritual roots are more likely to appear in the descendants of people who cultivate immortality, and the closer the blood ties of people who cultivate immortality are, the greater the possibility of having spiritual roots.
In addition, people who are pregnant with spiritual roots are different from ordinary people, either physically strong or smarter or have all kinds of strangeness.
It’s nothing to have a single nature, but Ling Renyin has both, not only the first generation of monks, but also the possibility of being smart and pregnant with spiritual roots is naturally high
"Yiner has taken a lot of medicated baths over the years, and even if she doesn’t have a spirit root, she can keep her sick and live over 100 years old."
Upon hearing this, Mu Yan ran close to Ling Youdao’s chest and sighed repeatedly.
Such an event is beyond her control. It depends on God.
Ling Youdao shook his fist and said, "It may be a good thing for Yiner not to be involved in the pain of others without Linggen."
Cao Teng was guilty of Ling Youqian, and it was he who failed to live up to Ling Youqian’s death.
Ling Renyin Ling Youqian’s daughter is naturally responsible for her mother’s revenge.
But Cao Teng is her own father, which is really difficult for her.
In the future, there will be a battle between Cao Teng and Ling Youdao, and who will Ling Renyin help? And who should I help?
Ling Youdao doesn’t want her to feel that Ling Renyin is a mortal all my life.
Of course, this is the case that Ling Renyin has no spiritual roots. If she is really pregnant with spiritual roots, Ling Youdao will never stop her from practicing, but will be more strict with her, and she will successfully fulfill Ling Youqian’s wish.
After half a cup of tea, the silence in the hall is divided between the two.
Ling Youdao suddenly sighed, "Hey!"
Mu Yan ran looked at him in surprise and asked, "Brother Youdao, are you sighing again?"
"Now there are less than 500 monks in the clan, and many of them are seriously injured, and the people who can really do things are in their early 400 s."
"But the family is now unified and the cloud islands are twice as vast, and people are needed everywhere. There are only 400 people."
"And every year, the spiritual meeting can’t detect that twenty children with Linggen can have monks who rule the whole island when their family is so fast?"
Immediately added, "I once asked my great-uncle to choose a child with spiritual roots from the common people such as Qian’s, and add an arm to the good family of cultivating immortals."
In this way, the monks in the family will greatly increase and will be able to rule the whole archipelago in the shortest time. "
Smell speech mu Yan ran said, "This is really a good idea, and the family strength will increase greatly."
Ling Youdao gave a wry smile, "It’s a pity that he was rejected by his ninth uncle."
Mu Yan ran wondered and asked, "What’s the matter? Nine grandfathers don’t plan to recruit children with spiritual roots among nine families? "
"If that’s the case, ninth uncle’s vision may be a little small."
Mu Yan ran sighed slightly, "I don’t know if Yiner is pregnant with Linggen. If there is no words, then we don’t want white-haired people to send black-haired people."
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As soon as the black giant banner is attacked, a black light will emerge on the instantaneous surface, and the thorn soul cone will be blocked after the attack.
In the slight blasting, the piercing cone was broken, but the black light was slightly ill to protect the black giant banner, which was only slightly fluctuating. Zhang Yang eyebrows
“苏韵夜生活”以苏州河为载体,将江南水乡的韵味与现代都市的时尚相结合,为市民和游客呈现一场别开生面的夜游盛宴。沿着苏州河畔,灯火璀璨,两岸的建筑、桥梁、雕塑等景观在夜色中更显韵味。 漫步在苏州河畔,两岸的景观带犹如一条丝带,将历史与现代、传统与时尚串联在一起。在这里,游客可以感受到苏州河的温柔与恬静,也可以领略到上海的现代气息。 夜游苏州河,首站便是上海老街。这里保留了上海的历史风貌,古色古香的建筑、石板路、青砖墙,仿佛让人穿越时空,回到了百年前的上海滩。夜晚的老街,灯火通明,游客们在这里品尝美食、购买手工艺品,感受着上海的传统韵味。 继续沿河前行,便来到了苏州河上的百年老桥——苏州河大桥。夜晚的大桥,灯火辉煌,犹如一座金色的彩虹横跨两岸。游客们可以在这里拍照留念,记录下美好的回忆。 夜游苏州河,自然少不了品尝当地的美食。沿岸的餐馆、小吃店,种类繁多,让人眼花缭乱。苏州河边的烤鸭店、烧烤摊、火锅店等,香气四溢,让人垂涎欲滴。品尝完美食,不妨来到酒吧、咖啡馆,享受一段悠闲的时光。 苏州河畔的音乐喷泉,是夜晚的苏州河上一道亮丽的风景线。每当夜幕降临,喷泉便会随着音乐翩翩起舞,美轮美奂。游客们可以在这里欣赏到精彩的表演,感受音乐与水的和谐。 此外,苏州河畔的文创园区、艺术展览等,也为夜生活增添了浓厚的文化氛围。在这里,游客可以欣赏到各类艺术作品,感受上海的艺术魅力。 “苏韵夜生活”不仅展示了上海的现代气息,更传承了江南水乡的韵味。夜晚的苏州河,如诗如画,让人流连忘返。在这里,游客可以尽情享受夜生活的乐趣,感受这座城市的独特魅力。而“苏韵夜生活”也将继续传承下去,成为上海夜生活的一张亮丽名片。
This waterfall, straight down, several miles wide, black waves rolling, just like the sky suddenly broke a big hole, black air billow poured out from the inside.
A terrible black storm formed around the Black Waterfall, which easily stirred the air flow between heaven and earth, splashed and broke the space, and the space was colorful and