At the same time, this mysterious array of strange light flows from time to time, flashing many images of ancient animals, with a long and vicissitudes of life.
Gently against the air, split out a palm, roughly reflecting the strength of his own layer, and split the law from the palm of his hand, but it didn’t stir up half a minute of fluctuation and still stopped.
This allows Lu Libai to break this ban by practicing the law at this time, and he has a shallow knowledge of array law, which is even more difficult to crack.
So he had to give up the positive breakthrough and look for his exit instead.
According to his estimation, the location of the eye is a strange and huge cave group at the bottom of Luohu. If it were not for the mysterious array, the huge pressure at the bottom of the lake would be a huge obstacle and it would be impossible for them to move.
Chapter one hundred and ten Exploring the bottom of the lake
I knocked myself out before I remembered it. It was a fiery red figure. I tried my best to remember it, but I couldn’t think of any key information.
There are some strange rocks and dynamic creatures in the cave group at the bottom of the lake, and only a few plants are thin and thin, and a string of upside-down bell-like fruits grow in the crevices.
This cave is hundreds of feet in Fiona Fang, which is not only very wide.
It is quite strange to observe the distribution position of the cave group carefully from Lu Li. There are nine largest holes, all of which are scattered in several tens of feet.
There are also some narrow holes that are less than half a person wide and inconspicuous.
The cave group as a whole is like a huge and ferocious face, like a human figure, with the wild breath of wild animals …
In the distance, there are dense stone walls, but they imply brilliance and artificial chisel marks. Everything seems to be natural and ingenious.
The detection wave emitted by the eyes slightly narrowed gives priority to the analysis of the nine largest caves. Obviously, this is a good choice that normal people will consider first.
After screening and analysis, a cave was selected from the land. According to the feedback of the detection wave, the five elements in this cave are rich in aura, and the aerated flow has many changes, which is very irregular. It is most likely one of the channels connected to the outside world.
When the action moves slowly into the middle, it sends out detection waves from time to time to receive the information ahead.
And this cave situation is like the huge roots of an ancient tree. There are many forks and roads, and there are many poor branches, forming a hundred thousand stone caves. If you are not careful, you will get lost and even be buried alive.
Say that?
Although people who cultivate immortals are not physically strong, they can still cultivate to a certain extent by absorbing the aura of heaven and earth through the power of mountains and rivers. The strong can push mountains and fill seas and shake the earth!
But Lu Li should be careful at the moment because he has noticed that his body has been gradually frozen and sealed with the passage of time, except that the right eye brain region has not been suppressed, he can’t move much strength.
In fact, the aura in this cave is not poor, but Lu Lixiu is frozen by the seal and almost absorbed from the outside world
After nine days in vitro, the running speed of Lu Li’s soul was greatly affected, as if it had reduced a lot of vitality, and the colored glass clouds had dimmed a lot, which made Lu Li have to move forward cautiously and dare not be careless.
At this time, even if a boulder suddenly falls or a cave collapses, it may bring life danger to Lu Li, because most of his strength is frozen, and once he encounters danger, his body will be hard to protect.
It is even more difficult for Yuan Shen to escape when he loses his physical strength.
There are also some streams in the cave, and several waves of light and shadow are reflected in the cave, which form a variety of light and shadow shapes intertwined with strange plants to enliven a spectacle at the bottom of the lake.
After experiencing some twists and turns, I also generally know that when I stayed at home, the Buddha was painstakingly turning from prosperity to adversity, as if heaven were going to punish me.
Of course, he doesn’t know the reason. Although Lu Li thinks he is talented, he doesn’t have rich experience, but it is proportional to his understanding of adventure and disaster.
Fortunately, Zhenyuan is frozen, and at the same time, the land can also transport a little physical strength. The skill is still flexible and agile. After all, the land in the heron mountain in the past was a little devil-like monster in the mountain.
Now the little devil is thirteen years old, but he has experienced a series of things that children of this age have never experienced, including treasure hunting in Zizhulin, cultivation of dharma tactics, life-and-death battle in the forest of animals, strange astronomical phenomena in Luohu and so on, which has made his mind grow a lot.
Turning a stone wall has widened a lot. This is a closed stone room with almost no air circulation. The light is dim, and the rocks on all sides no longer give off light. The golden eye of the fire has actually had an effect. Although the third eye on the forehead has lost most of its effect, it also gives off a faint golden light, which can just illuminate the vicinity.
It is because this darkroom is away from home that I know the alchemist at this time. It turns out that the brightness of the rock wall should be a kind of luminescent fluorite, and the little fluorspar released by it converges into light.
And this stone room is very cleverly hidden and tightly closed. There is no stone door on the surface, but it has a layer of enchantment.
Here, the stone wall is dim, saying that it may be influenced by enchantment or deliberately changed by experts.
Land separation controls the direction of the detection wave and extends the left hand forward to detect the intensity of an enchantment.
As a result, it was unexpected that the left hand was the first to be hit by a powerful bomb, which made the whole person shake and hit a stone pillar behind him.
Instantaneous trauma makes Lu Li’s heart full of pride, and with the unwilling power in his heart, he urges the detection wave purple light to go straight to the boundary.
The purple light lost its powerful true support. The original purple star was scattered into dozens of diffuse caves, and the purple light was dazzling.
Lu Li secretly complained that the whole person had completely lost the charm of the all-powerful little devil after hiding a basalt rock.
In a few seconds, the purple gradually dissipated, and I laughed. "This purple was so overbearing that I almost died."
Through the golden eyes, I first came to the side of the stone room, but the picture of the stone wall made Lu Li’s face change with surprise!
Surprised, the golden light is shining, and the stone walls are clearly visible. The quaint and strange pictures are almost carved, and the murals depict vivid images.
The stone chamber is about tens of feet high, and the top is a complete boulder. The stone walls around it are like foxes, bears, snakes, horses, tigers, leopards, jackals and wolves, which cover almost half of the ancient animals. Of course, I didn’t realize that these murals were coherent and meaningful.
Surrounding the stone room, the ancient orc totem war picture, the fierce battle of hundreds of ethnic groups, the terrible killing, finally surrounded a very old orc sacrifice ceremony, and several ancient orc masters and wild beasts surrounded a strong man.
It is the strong figure in the central position, but it is very vague and seems to be intended to be worshipped.
Chapter one hundred and nineteen Exchange conditions
According to the picture, it is inferred that the bottom of Luohu seems to be an ancient tomb of orcs, where the orcs were killed. Several powerful experts and even the orcs may be here!
Lu Li has also heard of Luohu, but this abyss in the middle of the lake should be the bottom spring of the volcano that was connected with the bottom fire spring. How can you build this huge tomb?
It is the history of the volcano’s genesis that can roughly judge that after the volcano was annihilated, the orc master suggested the ancient tomb of the orc here and estimated that Luohu was formed, and then a large array of enchantments blocked the ancient tomb from the Terran’s sight.
Moreover, there are many creatures in Luohu, but there are few spiritual practices, especially aquarium experts who never appear here, which means that the bottom of Luohu is extremely dangerous
This array is extremely strong. Imagine that it can withstand the heavy pressure of Luohu water and maintain constant strength.
Explore More
首先,上海拥有丰富的茶文化。从历史悠久的龙井茶、碧螺春到上海大白毫,每一款茶叶都承载着丰富的故事和独特的风味。在上海,你可以找到各式各样的茶馆,品味不同的茶香。走进一间小茶馆,点上几杯好茶,与朋友谈天说地,让生活慢下来,享受这份宁静与惬意。 其次,上海人喝茶的方式多种多样。有的人喜欢独自小饮,慢慢品鉴,感受茶香四溢的美好;有的人则喜欢与朋友相聚,一壶好茶,谈天说地,欢声笑语。在上海,你可以找到许多风格各异的茶馆,从古朴典雅的豫园湖心亭茶室到现代时尚的网红茶馆,总有一款适合你。 豫园湖心亭茶室是上海最具代表性的茶馆之一。这座见证了上海开埠百年历史的茶室,位于素有“东南名园之冠”美誉的江南古典园林——豫园。在这里,你可以欣赏到江南丝竹优美的乐曲,感受海派文化的韵味。而半岛酒店英式下午茶则让人领略到浦江情怀和优雅时光。 此外,上海还有许多其他值得一去的品茗之地。比如大可堂,这是一家以普洱茶闻名的茶馆,坐落在襄阳南路一座气势非凡的独栋大洋房。在这里,你可以品尝到正宗的普洱茶,感受老上海的风韵。 品茗,对于上海人来说,更是一种修行。从唐朝开始,文人墨客便将茶融入生活。他们将茶境延展到天地之间、四时之内,与花鸟、日月相伴。在茶香中,他们倾一杯风雅,任心驰神游,一场茶事便是一场修行。 如今,上海茶文化依然盛行。在这个充满魔幻色彩的城市,喝茶的方式变了,但喝茶的感觉却没变。无论是悠闲的上海爷俩在林荫树下泡茶,还是网红茶馆里摩肩接踵的茶客,都在享受这份来自茶香的美好。 总之,在上海品茗,是一种享受,是一种传承,更是一种生活态度。在这里,你可以找到属于自己的那份宁静与惬意,感受茶文化的魅力。不妨约上三五好友,来上海感受一场茶香四溢的品茗之旅吧!
Scholars are surprised that these dust crocodiles don’t seem to have prisons or detention centers. They all come from these rooms, and they are also very luxurious buildings.
However, this is a good place. Although there is nothing, it is clean and there are no other criminals mixed here. "God will wake up" The moment he was brought
沪上有着丰富的茶文化,自古以来就有“茶楼如林,茶馆如市”的说法。在这样一个阳光明媚的午后,来到一家有着百年历史的茶馆,品味着各种香茗,仿佛穿越时空,回到了那个悠闲的年代。 茶馆里,茶艺师手法娴熟地泡茶,热气腾腾的水珠在茶杯中跳跃,茶香四溢。泡好的茶水呈碧绿色,色泽诱人。品茗之余,不妨点上一份精致的点心,如小笼包、生煎、粽子等,既能满足味蕾,又能增添品茗的乐趣。 品茗过程中,不妨欣赏一场沪剧表演。沪剧,又称上海戏,是上海地区的一种地方戏曲。它起源于清乾隆年间,距今已有两百多年的历史。沪剧以其独特的唱腔、表演和音乐风格,深受上海市民的喜爱。 走进戏院,舞台上的演员们身着华丽的戏服,妆容精致。随着音乐响起,演员们开始了精彩的表演。他们唱腔悠扬,动作优美,将一个个经典的故事呈现在观众面前。在这场视听盛宴中,观众仿佛置身于那个充满传奇色彩的世界。 品茗赏戏的过程中,还可以品尝到沪上美食。沪菜,又称上海菜,是中国八大菜系之一。它以鲜、香、酥、嫩、油而不腻著称。在茶馆或戏院附近,可以品尝到各种特色小吃,如红烧肉、清炖蟹粉狮子头、生煎包等,让人回味无穷。 沪上白天品茗赏戏,不仅是一种生活享受,更是一种文化体验。在这个喧嚣的城市里,寻找一片宁静的天地,让自己从忙碌的生活中暂时抽离,享受片刻的宁静。 品茗赏戏之余,不妨漫步在沪上的街头巷尾,感受这座城市的韵味。上海的老街小巷,充满了历史的痕迹。在这里,你可以看到石库门建筑、弄堂里的石板路,以及那些古老的商铺。这些古老的元素,让上海这座城市充满了独特的魅力。 总之,沪上白天品茗赏戏,是一次难忘的体验。在这里,你可以感受到上海这座城市的韵味,体验到生活的美好。在这个悠闲的周末,不妨给自己一个放松的机会,来到沪上,度过一个愉快的时光。