Xiao magic day figure was forced to emerge directly, and his face was shocked. "It’s you Xiao Yu!"
"It’s me!"
Xiao Yu sneered at the trident halberd in his hand, and it was like an old demon waking up and sweeping towards Xiao Magic Day.
Xiao Magic Tianhua turned into a magic light and instantly regressed. There was a bite of Gu Jian magic gas in his hand, and he cut out several magic lights at the moment and split them toward Xiao Yu.
Xiao Yu’s halberd swept through all these magic lights, and it was so fragile that everything in this trident halberd was like scraps of paper.
Xiao Mo Tian Li took a sip of water and spit out a mouthful of black treasure pot. The surface was burning with black flames. At first glance, the whole cave became dark, and thousands of magic shadows emerged together, piercing the eardrum.
"Swallowing the pot is the magic weapon of the third ancestor!"
Shaw war fire surprised way
Xiao Mo Tian’s hands changed several times in a split second, and the mouth of the treasure pot directly opened toward the lid of the pot. From the inside, the power of swallowing heaven and earth broke out, and the magic light was filled with magic gas. This cave roared with horror, like a nine-world arrival.
Xiao Yu immediately felt a great force to tear and lock his body firmly as if he were going to directly earn money in the magic gourd.
Xiao magic day a full face of looks drink a way "Xiao Zhanhuo you incredibly dare to betray me, the whole Xiao clan dare to betray me, you will all die, the whole Xiao clan, I am the enemy, who can also shake my position and die for me! ! ! !”
Xiao Zhanhuo’s face changed greatly. It’s terrible that the power broke out from the swallowing pot. The purring affects people’s minds as if they were going to swallow the whole sky.
At this moment, the power of swallowing the pot of heaven is not aimed at Xiao Yu, who, together with the war in Xiao and the Five Immortals in Hotan, is also shrouded, shaking his body and shaking his soul. It seems that he can’t help flying into the mouth of the pot.
Shaw war was frightened and hurriedly shouted, "Cousin Magic Heaven forgave me, I was forced!"
The words sound just fell and a harsh golden light flashed, and all the suction disappeared. The black goat was directly split in half and hit the ground.
All the magic gas disappeared, and the needles were cleared again in the cave. You can smell Xiao’s face turned pale and looked blankly at Xiao Yu.
Xiao magic day is also face zheng gawk at the ground was split into two and a half swallowing pot.
The incision was completely split by a blow without any pause.
How is that possible?
At that time, Xiao Magic Day and Xiao Zhanhuo felt that there was a roar in their minds and it was hard to imagine that they were dull.
Swallowing the sky pot is the third bodhi old zu treasure, and it is a magic weapon with a name, a symbol, a god and a king. The power is unpredictable, but swallowing the sky can hold more than a dozen star fields. How can it be split? qR1
Huo Ran they all looked at Xiao Yu spurge! This halberd can chop the third bodhi old zu swallowing the pot of heaven, doesn’t it mean that the level is even higher than the king of God?
"What a mess!"
Xiao Yu grabbed the trident halberd, his face was cold, his body was burning, and his golden light was harsh. He walked step by step towards Xiao Magic Heaven and sneered with unimaginable depression. "You were the first master of Xiao clan before, and this title belongs to me from now on!"
In his hand, spurge burst into terror and murderous look, and the golden light swept through the blockade and went to Xiao Mo to kill him.
Xiao magic day face big change whistling, a whole body broke out and the magic light appeared behind hundreds of terrible magic shadows waving fists towards Xiao Yuying.
Poop, poop, poop!
Euphorbia swept past, and these magic shadows were broken and fragile.
Xiao Mo Tian vomited blood and turned upside down. He turned around and turned into a magic light and rushed to the outside of the cave. He shouted, "Xiao Yu, I will come back for you. No one can kill me!"
As soon as the words sound just fell, a divine light of Yin and Yang swept over him, and he was swept off the middle and let out a piercing scream, and blood flew out.
He glared and roared, "I’ll kill you, old slut!" "
Two sections of his body emit magic light, which is instantly folded and rushed towards the outside world again.
Xiao Yu broke through the void and immediately chased after the Euphorbia halberd. The wheel started to move and split, but it was cold and said, "Xiao Yu can’t kill anyone without me!"
Xiao magic day bellow a split blood flying again is very sad.
However, after the two halves of his body were split, he rushed out of the cave at the same time and screamed, "Xiao Yu is ashamed to pay back a hundred times today!"
Xiao Yu face a heavy instantaneous rushed to the body quickly grow big long roar a earth-shattering directly toward xiao magic day half body swallowed in the past.
Xiao Mo-tian exclaimed in horror, "What do you want to do? Don’t!"
Half of his body was swallowed by Xiao Yu.
The other half of the body finally rushed out of the cave, turned into a magic light and fled to the sky. A piercing spirit said, "Xiao Yu, I will never die with you!"
Chapter one hundred and four Refining Xiao Magic Day
Xiao Yu swallowed half the body of Xiao Magic Day, regardless of Tian Wuxian and Xiao’s war. A face of surprise turned into a golden light and rushed out of the cave to chase the other half of Xiao Magic Day.
Tian Wuxian hurriedly shouted to the past, "Xiao Laodi has mercy on me!"
It’s crazy for him to pursue Xiao Yu at an extreme speed. Xiao Yu didn’t want to directly swallow Xiao Magic Day’s half body, but there are many soul-eating irons that were swallowed by Xiao Yu.
Does this Xiao Yu want to die?

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16/11/2024 0 Comments 0 tags

夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海的夜色如同一位神秘的舞者,在城市的每一个角落跳着独舞。那些高耸入云的摩天大楼、熙熙攘攘的街头巷尾、悠然自得的江畔风光,共同构成了《上海夜色掠影集》这部独特的城市画卷。 一、摩天大楼下的霓虹光影 上海,被誉为“东方明珠”,在这座城市的夜晚,摩天大楼成了最为耀眼的风景线。陆家嘴金融贸易区的摩天大楼群,如同巨龙蜿蜒,霓虹灯闪烁,仿佛在诉说着上海的繁荣与发展。夜幕下的东方明珠塔、上海中心大厦、环球金融中心等标志性建筑,更是成为了《上海夜色掠影集》中的亮点。 二、繁华街头的喧嚣岁月 上海的夜色,离不开繁华的街头。南京路步行街、淮海路、徐家汇商圈等地,人流如织,车水马龙。霓虹灯、广告牌、店铺招牌,将夜色渲染得五彩斑斓。在这喧嚣的夜晚,人们品味着美食、购物、娱乐,享受着都市的繁华与活力。 三、江畔风光的宁静时光 上海的夜晚,江畔风光更是别有一番韵味。黄浦江畔的外滩,是上海夜晚最具魅力的景点之一。江水波光粼粼,江对岸的陆家嘴金融贸易区灯光璀璨,宛如一幅流动的画卷。而滨江大道、世博园区等地,也成为了市民休闲的好去处。漫步在江畔,聆听江水潺潺,感受着城市的宁静与和谐。 四、文化底蕴的传承与创新 上海,是一座具有深厚文化底蕴的城市。夜晚的上海,同样弥漫着浓厚的文化气息。豫园商城、田子坊等地,古色古香的建筑与繁华的都市形成了鲜明对比。此外,上海的音乐厅、剧院、博物馆等文化场所,更是为这座城市增添了无尽的魅力。在《上海夜色掠影集》中,这些文化底蕴的传承与创新,成为了不可或缺的一部分。 五、美食诱惑的夜生活 上海的夜生活,离不开美食。夜晚的上海,各大餐厅、酒吧、咖啡馆等场所纷纷营业,为市民和游客提供了丰富的美食选择。小笼包、生煎、红烧肉等上海特色小吃,让人回味无穷。而各种国际美食、创意料理,也让上海的夜生活更加丰富多彩。 结语: 《上海夜色掠影集》是一部描绘上海夜晚风貌的画卷,它将摩天大楼的霓虹光影、繁华街头的喧嚣岁月、江畔风光的宁静时光、文化底蕴的传承与创新以及美食诱惑的夜生活,巧妙地融合在一起,展现了一座城市的魅力与活力。漫步在这座城市的夜晚,我们仿佛能感受到那些跃然纸上的美好瞬间,从而更加热爱这座城市。

Before, he was almost perfect in every move and style, and let people find loopholes by law.

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No one can take advantage of him simply from his moves. Jufan and he want to be lucky to the enemy, but their strength is far higher than his, there

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Painted pear clothes saw the movement on the other side through the corner. Some curious people asked her if she had given up her novel today. Because she … wants