With the passage of time, the polarization in the ancient city has become more and more serious, and the strong have become stronger and stronger, while the weak have become more and more unable to keep pace with the powerful zerg. Even the strength of mainstream fighters in five brigades can’t keep up with these zerg evolution, and now they can keep up with their core members.
"Everyone moved out of here early in the morning and went to Shoude City."
Su Li listened quietly to Mo Liudao’s command. When he talked about moving to Shoude City, he immediately thought of Shi Dalong and the three kings of Shoude. Before he thought of Shi Dalong, he once said that they were all key cultivators of Mo Liudao, and asserted that Su Li and others would merge into Shoude City sooner or later. Unexpectedly, he guessed it. The real purpose of Mo Liudao’s appearance today is to let them move out of the ancient city and go to Shoude City.
He doesn’t care much about staying in the ancient city or moving to Suli, Shoude City. What he really means is that if he can be promoted to a higher level faster, these zerg are the best hunting targets for him, and he can’t bear to leave because of this.
Seeing Su Li’s awkward words, Mo Liutao seemed to see through his mind and gave me a smile. "Of course, I just said that you’d better upgrade the level and strength of these abyss zerg at present. Moving to Shoude City will not affect your hunting zerg. This move is mainly aimed at those who have been eliminated. They will sacrifice their lives in vain if they stay here. For those who are worthy of cultivation, you can continue to stay here."
"At present, it seems that there are some usable materials here. I have negotiated with the other two. For the time being, we won’t start work on these zergs and leave you a little time to upgrade yourself, but this time won’t be too long, because these zergs are developing more and more rapidly, and amazing changes take place every day, especially in Nanjiang City, where we have to leave you what we can destroy before the zerg gets out of control to hunt the zerg. When we upgrade ourselves, it will not exceed five days from the day, and after five days we will completely destroy the zerg source."
"These five days are very important for you, where people can stand out and who can stand out from the crowd will determine who can get the resources of key cultivation bases in your future, and all this may depend on your performance in these five days. Do you understand me?"
Mo Liudao kept talking here and then stopped to look at Su Li.
Su Li’s heart shook slightly, and he finally understood the meaning of Mo’s six words.
The reality of the vast majority of people in the ancient city has evolved somewhat, and they will be moved to Shoude City. Compared with the ancient city, Shoude City should be safe in the face of the danger of the abyss zerg.
And those who are hopeful of cultivation can stay here, and they can continue to hold on for five days in the ancient city to improve themselves as much as possible.
After five days, Mo Liudao will destroy the source of these deep zerg in Nanjiang City. Because the zerg changes every day, Mo Liudao must also be destroyed before it is controlled by its own method.
According to their estimation, five days is the limit, and on the sixth day, it must be destroyed, otherwise the consequences will be very troublesome.
"I’m white" took a deep breath and Su Li’s heart welled up with strong fighting spirit.
Mo Liudao is right. For the vast majority of people in the ancient city, they are either responsible for logistics workers and have little combat power. Even five brigade soldiers are now mainstream, that is, advanced level 4.
In the face of those seven-magnitude giant worms, it’s almost impossible to have any defensive power to stay and sacrifice in vain. It’s better to let them move out of here first.
However, it also means that the gap between these people and them will become wider and wider. The monsters in this world are getting stronger and stronger, and these people may be eliminated sooner or later.
Thinking that they might have to face the consequences, Su Li continued with a heavy heart, "Is it that the gap between them and monsters is getting bigger and bigger, so it is difficult to live in this world if they continue to go on?"
Mo six ha ha a smile "what are you thinking? Are all your monsters these abyss zerg? These monsters from the abyss are a little special, but they have evolved a little too fast, so we can give them the limit and they will be completely destroyed in five days. The world is far wider and more complicated than you think. There are powerful monsters and many weak monsters. It can be said that these zerg monsters are not suitable for them at present, but there are other monsters that are suitable for them to ascend themselves and move away to protect them, not let them die. "
"In some places, there must be competition, and there must be strength and weakness, and this is also a process of continuous elimination. Only the final winner can be regarded as real gold."
He paused a little, then said, "You can live to be here today, which can be said to have surpassed many people, but there will still be a survival of the fittest among you people, and a group of people will emerge and eventually become strong. More people will be eliminated and the average person will be degraded. After all, resources are limited, and we can focus on cultivating some promising people."
"We humans want to be born in such a bad world with the real strong …"
Mo Liudao said here, his tone and look slightly embarrassed. He raised his head, his eyes slightly narrowed and looked at the distant lips. He seemed to want to say something, but he shook his head and seemed to feel that it was too early to say these words to Su Li.
After all, now Su Li seems too weak in his eyes, just like a group of ants that are slightly stronger, but they are still an ant after all.
"I’ve informed Shoude that some people will come over there tonight, and you should hurry up. Make sure to stay and get ready for everything tonight. You must send the people away early in the morning. For these people, you can rest assured that someone will secretly protect them and there will be no accidents. Shoude City is also ready to meet them."
"The point is that you stay here and remember to work hard in five days. You are all promising to enter the base."
Mo Liu Tao suddenly gave a low roar here, followed by an eagle whistling in response, but he saw that Quillfire Condor appeared again.
The former Quillfire Condor was hit hard by a beautiful woman, but now it is obviously completely restored. It appeared from a distance and soon reached the top of Mo Liudao.
Mo Liudao jumped up and landed firmly on Quillfire Condor’s back and Quillfire Condor took him away instantly.

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首先,上海拥有丰富的茶文化。从历史悠久的龙井茶、碧螺春到上海大白毫,每一款茶叶都承载着丰富的故事和独特的风味。在上海,你可以找到各式各样的茶馆,品味不同的茶香。走进一间小茶馆,点上几杯好茶,与朋友谈天说地,让生活慢下来,享受这份宁静与惬意。 其次,上海人喝茶的方式多种多样。有的人喜欢独自小饮,慢慢品鉴,感受茶香四溢的美好;有的人则喜欢与朋友相聚,一壶好茶,谈天说地,欢声笑语。在上海,你可以找到许多风格各异的茶馆,从古朴典雅的豫园湖心亭茶室到现代时尚的网红茶馆,总有一款适合你。 豫园湖心亭茶室是上海最具代表性的茶馆之一。这座见证了上海开埠百年历史的茶室,位于素有“东南名园之冠”美誉的江南古典园林——豫园。在这里,你可以欣赏到江南丝竹优美的乐曲,感受海派文化的韵味。而半岛酒店英式下午茶则让人领略到浦江情怀和优雅时光。 此外,上海还有许多其他值得一去的品茗之地。比如大可堂,这是一家以普洱茶闻名的茶馆,坐落在襄阳南路一座气势非凡的独栋大洋房。在这里,你可以品尝到正宗的普洱茶,感受老上海的风韵。 品茗,对于上海人来说,更是一种修行。从唐朝开始,文人墨客便将茶融入生活。他们将茶境延展到天地之间、四时之内,与花鸟、日月相伴。在茶香中,他们倾一杯风雅,任心驰神游,一场茶事便是一场修行。 如今,上海茶文化依然盛行。在这个充满魔幻色彩的城市,喝茶的方式变了,但喝茶的感觉却没变。无论是悠闲的上海爷俩在林荫树下泡茶,还是网红茶馆里摩肩接踵的茶客,都在享受这份来自茶香的美好。 总之,在上海品茗,是一种享受,是一种传承,更是一种生活态度。在这里,你可以找到属于自己的那份宁静与惬意,感受茶文化的魅力。不妨约上三五好友,来上海感受一场茶香四溢的品茗之旅吧!