It doesn’t move by itself.
You just need a little shark to pull yourself forward.
Don’t say the water is quite convenient.
Slowly sink to the bottom of the stream
Of course it’s Xishi. It’s a big river. It’s very big.
It’s the way. happy village is called Yunlaixi.
The underwater world is not dull, but bright.
Because many fish glow, Wang Mu can occasionally see a fish species …
After swimming for a long time, it is very far from land.
The light in the water gradually dimmed for a few minutes, and from time to time, you can see some special sea monster communities, and the little sharks seem to be familiar with them, and they have cleverly avoided them one by one.
At first glance, I have practiced it many times and I am very skilled.
Say come often.
Wang Mu calculated that it should be around late HaiShi when the little shark stopped confused.
In front of Wang Mu is a very special trench.
There is a mysterious light curtain over the trench, which is a deep trench with some white light flashing from time to time.
Interestingly, some broken fishing rods can be seen near the trench.
"Lying in the trough, is this … a special fishing spot?"
Wang Mu’s heart jumped.
Unlocked the special fishing spot?
In addition to the novice village, there are fishing spots in other places in the game.
Fishing species are also very different.
Some rare fishing spots are hidden deep.
For example, the mysterious power at the bottom of this big river, Haiyuan, is definitely a very special fishing spot.
And has been out of the novice village.
There are obviously people here who have tried to fish.
After entering that layer of light, the bubble broke and Wang Mu fell to the nearby ground.
Soft mud feels different from the ground.
"This is it!" The little shark didn’t enter the screen, but outside. "In this place, we aquarium monsters can’t breathe after going in. You humans can fish here only if you have a successful cultivation."
"I can wait outside for you to watch the wind for you. There are some super powerful water Warcraft wandering here from time to time. Be careful!"
"If you are tired, I will take you back."
Wang Mu nodded and looked around. Judging from the traces on the ground, it was indeed a special fishing spot.
Some senior experts have been here.
Unfortunately, there seems to be nothing to gain.
It seems that the exquisite sentiment is probably true.
"… just grab a fish."
Wang Mu said, "It’s impossible to catch Chinese fish for me at will, is it?"
When you get something, you’ll give the little shark an idea to order something else to please the big fairy who travels around the park
Choosing the right position, Wang Mu didn’t prepare fish food and threw the hook directly.
The fishing line sank into the deep.
A wonderful feeling enters the body from the fishing line.
"Interesting fishing in the water …"
Wang Mu is very subtle.
Wait quietly
He is now fishing horizontally, and if he wants to bite a line fish, he will never get rid of it.
Even when a fish floats, he can tell what it is.
I’ve been fishing before
I wonder if this special fishing spot can catch some special fish?
Wait in silence
Don’t sleep until a few hours later, the fishing line moves slightly.
Wang Mu pull rod
A little effort Wang Mu felt that this fish was quite interesting. Instead of running back like other fish, he swam in the direction of Wang Mu.
Then, suddenly, turn around and drag the lever and twist your head to swim back.
There’s a feeling of refusing to return …
Wang Mu actually caught a feeling of love.
"What the hell are you numb with?"
Wang Mu spent a lot of time with the fish and dragged it until it was close to the deep.
A beautiful pink fish flew out of the deep sea.
This fish is really beautiful, and its scales are shining, and its fins are as soft as jewels.
And the size of an ordinary fish is exquisite and lovely.
"This … should not be a fish species?"

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首先,杭州的夜生活以宁静、休闲为主。漫步在西湖边,夜幕降临,华灯初上,湖面波光粼粼,美景如画。茶楼、酒吧、餐厅等休闲场所遍布西湖周边,人们在这里品茗、聊天、欣赏夜景。杭州的夜生活,仿佛一幅宁静致远的山水画,让人陶醉其中。 在杭州,夜晚的西湖边,街头巷尾的茶楼里,总能看到三三两两的市民在此品茗、闲聊。茶楼内,茶香四溢,人们或品茶、或下棋、或吟诗作对,尽情享受这份宁静与惬意。此外,杭州的酒吧文化也颇具特色,不少酒吧以音乐为主题,为顾客提供音乐盛宴。在这里,人们可以尽情释放压力,享受音乐带来的愉悦。 相比之下,上海的夜生活则更加热闹、繁华。夜幕降临,上海的街头巷尾灯火辉煌,霓虹闪烁。外滩、陆家嘴、新天地等繁华地段,成为人们夜生活的好去处。在这里,你可以感受到上海的现代化气息,体验到国际大都市的夜生活魅力。 上海的夜生活丰富多彩,既有传统的酒吧、餐厅,也有现代的KTV、夜店。上海的酒吧文化独具特色,以音乐、舞蹈为主题,吸引了众多年轻人。在这里,人们可以尽情释放自我,享受狂欢的夜晚。此外,上海的美食也是一大亮点,各种特色小吃、高档餐厅让食客们流连忘返。 值得一提的是,上海的夜生活还有一个独特的现象——夜市。夜市里,各种特色小吃、手工艺品琳琅满目,让人目不暇接。在这里,你可以品尝到地道的上海美食,购买到具有纪念意义的物品。 总之,杭州和上海的夜生活各有特色。杭州的夜生活宁静、休闲,让人感受到一份宁静与惬意;而上海的夜生活则热闹、繁华,充满现代气息。这两座城市的夜生活,犹如两幅画卷,展现了不同的风情。无论你是喜欢宁静还是热爱繁华,都能在这两座城市找到属于自己的夜生活天地。