I don’t know how long it took when Fang You was immersed in chopping and chopping as if his willpower had made another breakthrough …
Like a fish jumping out of the water, like a path, it suddenly becomes clear.
The strangeness and darkness disappeared, and the sweet sound echoed in my ears.
Fang You is still sitting quietly like a sculpture, and his eyes are closed, but he can clearly see his body at this time, and his body is rapidly changing from the mundane to the myth!
The body becomes more and more crystal clear, and the blood flows out like waves, just like the deep red blood in the rivers and rivers has become more golden and noble and sacred.
A golden halo diffused from his body.
for a long time
Fang You’s eyes flashed with the glory of God.
"ding! 」
"It shows that you have completed the seventh awakening, life form sublimation, body+1 spirit+1"
"It shows that you have gained extra health+3 spirit+3 because you broke through the mysterious fusion ratio in the grand ceremony."
Two-dimensional ascent is the most basic.
One point of physique is not much for a tutor who has surpassed two parties before, but there is an indescribable sense of strength in the sublimation of life.
Up 1/3? Wrong!
He feels that his strength has tripled! It’s not an illusion. It seems that a whole mountain can be picked up and thrown out by physical strength.
And this is just a description of strength. Compared with the Six Senses myth, it is more like a kind of’ realm crushing’, just like an adult beating a child’s father, but it is not more like the difference between a person and an insect!
Myth: Everything is a bug.
"Sober and sober, although I am a myth, I am a person, first of all, a person."
"However, the gap between myth and myth is indeed like a natural barrier, which is a legal leap."
"But I have already killed several arrival myths."
It turns out that the tutor is so awesome.
Fang you touched the bar
Before the promotion, he felt that human power could reverse the myth. After the promotion, he felt that his beer was too good.
Also brought out the same reversible cutting myth, black knife, brother and sister.
Not the kui is me.
What? Do you say that the myth of Black Knife and Anjian Youtui is based on their own efforts? But at least there are our instructors hanging in it.
"And as Oasis said, the greatness of myth is not only reflected in combat power, but in all aspects."
Myth can see the quality of the world
The myth comprehension ratio is amazing.
If he cultivates the field of pharmacy, he can become a master of pharmacy, and he will have the opportunity to cultivate the field of forging.
Of course, myths also have their limits. No matter how fast the brain runs, there is a difference between being good at it and not being good at it. It is true that you can make extraordinary achievements in decades and hundreds of years, but there is no need to study your own good fields. Isn’t it more effective?
"There are many things that myths need to study. The most basic thing is that myths have the ability to learn a skill, and they can also understand and learn from others’ awakening ability."
"However, the more advanced the ability, the more difficult it is to learn. Even the myth of’ green level’ ability takes a lot of time to analyze and construct a’ skill species’."
This skill is not the other skill.
The golden light cuts the shadows and splits all the terror and despair.
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紫金山位于上海市普陀区,是一座历史悠久、风景秀丽的公园。公园内绿树成荫,鸟语花香,空气清新。这里不仅有美丽的自然风光,还有浓厚的文化氛围。在紫金山,你可以感受到我国茶文化的魅力,品味到各种茶道的精髓。 走进紫金山,首先映入眼帘的是一座古朴的茶楼。这座茶楼名为“紫金山茗园”,是上海著名的茶文化场所。茗园内部装饰典雅,充满了浓厚的茶文化气息。在这里,你可以品尝到各种名茶,如龙井、碧螺春、大红袍等,感受茶香四溢的美好。 茗园内设有多个品茗区,每个区域都独具特色。在露天品茗区,你可以一边欣赏着紫金山的美景,一边品味着清香的茶汤。阳光透过树叶洒在脸上,微风拂过,让人陶醉其中。在室内品茗区,则可以静静地坐在茶桌旁,聆听茶艺师讲述茶的故事,感受茶文化的韵味。 紫金山茗园的茶艺师技艺高超,他们不仅懂得泡茶,更懂得品茶。在他们的指导下,你可以在短时间内学会泡茶的基本技巧,了解茶的品质与特点。此外,茗园还定期举办茶艺表演,让你近距离感受茶文化的魅力。 在紫金山,除了茗园,还有许多其他品茗佳地。比如,位于公园内的“茶文化广场”,这里陈列着各种茶具,展示了我国茶文化的悠久历史。此外,还有“茶艺馆”、“茶室”等场所,供茶客们品茗、交流。 在紫金山品茗,不仅可以品味到各种名茶,还可以了解到茶文化的内涵。在这里,茶艺师会向你介绍茶叶的产地、制作工艺、泡茶技巧等知识,让你在品茗的过程中,增长见识。 紫金山作为上海品茗佳地,每年都会吸引大量茶客前来。在这里,人们不仅可以放松身心,品味茶香,还可以结识志同道合的朋友。茶文化在这里得到了传承和发扬,成为了连接人们心灵的纽带。 总之,紫金山作为上海品茗佳地,以其独特的自然风光、浓厚的文化氛围和精湛的茶艺,吸引了无数茶客。在这里,你不仅可以享受到茶的美味,还可以感受到茶文化的魅力。不妨在闲暇之余,来到紫金山,品味一杯香茗,享受一段宁静的时光。