The reason is very simple. The highest in Dongyou Reservoir is fairy fish.
And tianshuimen weak pool smells of divine fish.
One smell is enough.
Moreover, the weak pool is a higher level in the formation zone where the river is left in the sky.
Come to participate in the fisherman’s training, ranging from then to the majority, with at least 50% of the remaining three floors being Yuanying and the remaining 20% being Zhuji monks.
There are very few strong people in Du Jie, and there are only a handful of strong people.
It is reasonable to say that there should be a strong man to fish for the magic fish.
Because … I’ve been here before I came to catch the immortal strong man, and not coming means that I can’t catch that kind of divine fish.
On the contrary, many Godsworn Dan, who is building a fund, wants to hit a big fortune. If Fuyun Hongtian catches a god fish, naturally it goes without saying that it will be smooth to give it directly to a strong immortal, and the road to Xiuxian in Jiuzhou will be smooth in the future.
Wang Mu came here naturally instead of fishing.
But the fairy officer in the desert.
It’s hard to say who is here when Luna says.
After all, it’s a fairy official. He must be pretending that he can’t be easily detected.
It is relatively easy to find a weak pool that can be locked.
There are too many fishermen coming here … It’s hard to find them at the moment.
"If that man really catches a fairy fish when he comes here to fish … then if he needs to catch this fish, he will find the door himself."
Want to catch fairy fish
Then you have to come in person
[Wang Mu, you go somewhere else and I’m coming back to fish]
[Luna, if you don’t have it for you, drive it away, right? No, I don’t trust this sister …]
[Wang Mu? 】
[Wang Mu is a fairy fish. I have a way to catch this fish, but I have to be Wang Mu.]
Luna, I don’t care. Don’t try to drive me away like this.
[Wang Mu, then you can just turn into a pendant.]
[Luna, I open Luna as a pendant for you? You … you … you …]
[Wang Mu left improperly]
"…" Luna.
A moment later
Wang Mu has a lucky cat pendant after sitting on the waist of Xianyun Kun.
"Hey, brother, why do you have a kitten pendant or something at your waist today?" Gu Yuqing sat beside Wang Mu for the first time and saw the curiosity and asked.
"Oh lucky" Wang Mu freely way.
Gu Yuqing smile "this little thing can have? Brother, your fishing level … is it necessary? "
The kitten pendant shook.
"Really not" Wang Mu patted "but this time if you want to fish the gods, can you figure out a peace of mind …"
Gu Yuqing nodded and touched this pendant. It feels good, not a multiplier, but it somehow gives people a sense of peace of mind.
Well, it must be psychological.
Wang Mu perceived a.
I’m afraid it’s a little difficult to catch a divine fish without the help of a cloud tour.
【 Wandering weak pool (+) 】
Sure enough.
[Yunyou weak pool (southeast corner at 15 noon in three days)]
But qualitatively speaking, the weak pool is higher than the Dongyou Reservoir.
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When he remembered Olga in his mind,
It will automatically summon a prosperous Olga in your mind. One is better than Demogorgon himself. I don’t know. Cheng doesn’t need to consider rationality [law of conservation of energy],
夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海这座繁华都市的夜生活逐渐拉开帷幕。在这璀璨的霓虹灯下,有一道独特的风景线,那就是充满烟火气的夜市。这些夜市不仅是上海市民生活的一部分,更是这座城市历史变迁的见证。 上海夜市的历史可以追溯到上世纪80年代。那时的上海,正值改革开放初期,城市面貌日新月异。随着浦东新区的开发,许多老字号纷纷跨江开设分店,为浦东人民带来了便利。而夜市,则成为了一种新兴的消费形式,满足了人们对夜生活的需求。 昌里路夜市是浦东最早开发的夜市之一。从1980年代开始,它从一片农村景观逐渐转变为繁华的夜市。在这里,人们可以品尝到各式各样的美食,如小笼包、生煎、烧烤等,这些美食汇聚了上海的传统风味,成为了夜市的一大特色。随着夜经济的发展,昌里路逐渐成为了知名的夜宵圣地,吸引了大量市民前来购物和消费。 然而,随着城市的发展,昌里路夜市也面临着诸多问题。环境污染、摊贩冲突等问题逐渐显现,最终在2018年的大整治中走向尾声。尽管如此,昌里路夜市的存在仍然让许多上海市民怀念不已,它见证了城市的发展,也承载了上海人的记忆。 彭浦新村夜市则起源于1990年代,是下岗工人和外来务工人员在偏远土地上重新开始的地方。彭浦夜市以其繁忙和丰富的小吃闻名,但最终因为脏乱差和无证经营等问题被取缔。这个曾经热闹非凡的夜市,如今已成为历史的回忆。 寿宁路夜市则以小龙虾为主题,形成了独具特色的小龙虾一条街。自2000年开始,寿宁路因小龙虾店的兴起而繁荣。在这里,人们可以品尝到各种口味的小龙虾,夜市也因此成为了上海美食的一大代表。然而,随着2020年道路改造,小龙虾店纷纷搬离,寿宁路夜市也逐渐失去了往日的繁华。 这些夜市的兴衰,反映了上海城市发展与居民生活的变迁。它们为城市带来了活力和特色,但同时也带来了油烟、噪音等问题,影响着市民的生活。然而,这并不能否定夜市的价值。在许多上海市民看来,夜市是城市文化的一部分,它们承载着上海人的情感和记忆。 上海夜市的魅力在于它的多样性。在这里,你可以品尝到地道的上海小吃,也可以品尝到来自世界各地的美食。夜市里的摊贩们各具特色,他们的热情和真诚让人感受到上海这座城市的包容与活力。 夜市也是上海市民休闲娱乐的好去处。在这里,人们可以品尝美食、购买生活用品,还可以与朋友相聚,畅谈心事。夜市的存在,让上海这座城市更加生动、更加有温度。 总之,上海夜市风情是这座城市不可或缺的一部分。它们见证了上海的发展,也承载了上海人的记忆。在未来的日子里,我们期待上海夜市能够继续传承这座城市的文化,为市民带来更多的欢乐和美好回忆。