"All weirdness should be damned!"
As Bai Jing roars, the dark blade falls from the head.
The huge impact will directly blow Shan Yao’s hard head, and its body will also crack with it.
Head, chest and then abdomen.
The dark impact wantonly destroyed all the continuous dark explosions in Shan Yao until Shan Yao’s belly stopped.
The dark forces gradually dissipated. Bai Jing looked at each other with some regret.
Shan Yao was dead, but she didn’t get what she wanted.
The destructive power is too chaotic. According to reason, the power is enough, but she can’t control and neutralize this force.
The incision is so violent …
"This move should not be like this."
Bai Jing didn’t feel excited because he killed a level 3 Shan Yao, but fell into a new thinking dilemma
She has thought about how to kill a prey.
"We still need a safe environment and human conditions. This ability is too obvious."
The dark force is something she should not expose until she grows up.
Staring at Shan Yao’s body for a while, Bai Jing took out his standing kerosene and set the body on fire.
Although this is a wild area, no one will come here for a long time after the expansion, but in order to avoid leaving traces, she still chose to destroy the body
Bai Jing kept beating when he saw the body burning, and his heart calmed down a little.
She doesn’t want others to know all these things … Let’s hide them for a while.
"It’s time to get back to the team."
See Bai Jing Ann returned to his mercenaries have greeted Bai Jing.
At this time, Bai Jing returned to her passionate and talkative side, but Xu Le could clearly feel the dark particles left in her body.
She just used the dark force and made it very unrestrained
Bai Jing noticed Xu Le’s eyes.
She feels better now than ever.
And she has a feeling that she will soon distance herself from these mercenaries.
She will soon enter a new level.
It’s no longer bitter. Haha, communicating with these mercenary old oil requires heavy work every day to maintain their own sales practice and family.
She will soon … become a real strong person.
She will soon be completely different from these people.

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夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海这座国际大都市披上了璀璨的霓裳。在这里,夜生活变得尤为精彩,而与心爱的人一同漫步在这繁华的都市之中,更是别有一番风味。今天,就让我们一起来领略《夜上海风情二人行》的独特魅力。 漫步在黄浦江畔,华美的夜景映入眼帘。两岸的高楼大厦灯光闪烁,宛如一座璀璨的宝石。在这如梦似幻的景色中,两人手牵手,漫步在滨江大道上,感受着上海的韵味。此时,江风吹拂,微风拂面,让人心旷神怡。 夜游黄浦江,乘坐游船游览两岸风光。船上的乐队演奏着优美的旋律,为这浪漫的夜晚增添了几分浪漫气息。沿着江岸,万国建筑博览群、城隍庙等景点依次映入眼帘,仿佛穿越时空,回到了那个充满传奇色彩的时代。 夜幕下的南京路步行街,人流如织,热闹非凡。两人漫步在这条繁华的商业街上,品尝着各种美食,感受着上海的繁华。从南京路步行街到人民广场,再到外滩,这一路走来,仿佛走过了上海的历史长河。 夜晚的上海博物馆,也是一道亮丽的风景线。在这里,两人可以一起欣赏到丰富的文物藏品,感受上海深厚的历史底蕴。逛累了,不妨走进附近的咖啡馆,品味一杯香浓的咖啡,享受一段悠闲的时光。 走进豫园,仿佛穿越到了古代。古老的建筑、石板路、小桥流水,让人仿佛置身于一个幽静的园林之中。在这里,两人可以一起欣赏到传统的上海园林艺术,感受上海的韵味。 夜幕下的上海,还有许多独具特色的文化活动。如茶艺表演、昆曲欣赏、评弹表演等。两人可以一起观看这些传统文化表演,感受上海的文化魅力。 夜上海风情二人行,不仅是一次视觉盛宴,更是一次心灵的洗礼。在这浪漫的夜晚,两人可以放下生活的压力,尽情享受这份美好的时光。相信这段美好的回忆,将成为两人心中永恒的珍贵财富。 总之,夜上海风情二人行,是一次难忘的浪漫之旅。在这里,两人可以共同领略上海的繁华与魅力,感受这座城市的独特韵味。让我们携手共度这个美好的夜晚,让爱情在夜上海中绽放光彩。